2. Add fertilizer: Use 40% dimethoate EC 75 grams per acre, add 500 grams of urea, 50 kilograms of water, pest control effect is better, and can increase crop yield. Adding 0.1% concentration of 50% DDVP in 1% urea solution can prevent more than 98% of the aphids, and the control effect of the spider mites can reach 92%-96%.
3. Refueling: When using pesticide mixed soil to apply pests and pesticides, add waste oil or diesel or kerosene 1 kilogram to spread pesticides per acre of toxic soil to increase the insecticidal power. Lu Feng
Various products of Boxes of Grade A Woleberry, providing product images and basic parameters with each goji berry and Grade A Woleberry; Wolfberry hi cool climate, strong cold resistance. When the temperature stabilized by about 7 ℃, the seed germination, seedlings can resist -3 ℃ low temperature.
Spring temperatures above 6 ℃, spring buds began to sprout. Wolfberry at -25 ℃ winter without frost damage. Wolfberry developed root system, ability to drought, still able to grow in the arid desert. Production for high yield, still need to ensure the supply of water, especially in the flower stage must have adequate water. Long-term hydrostatic low-lying on the growth of Lycium adversely, and even cause rotten roots or death.
Sufficient light, wolfberry branches grow robust, fruit and more fruit, large fruit, high yield, good quality. Lycium grow more in alkaline soil and sandy loam, the most suitable soil in the deep, fertile loess cultivation.
We are a professional Chinese supplier of dried goji berry, and look forward to your cooperation!
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Ningxia ZhongYuanDa Agel Ecommerce Ltd. , https://www.freshwolfberry.com