Mn deficiency symptoms and sources of crop application of manganese fertilizer: "Friends of farmers to get rich" category: Technical Articles Update Time: 2008-8-2 16:43:52 Read 22 times in recent years, with the development of agricultural production, crop varieties Constantly updated production and quality requirements are getting higher and higher, and the number of nutrients that crops need to be supplemented is also increasing. The application of trace elements has also increased over the past. However, individual regions and farmers neglect the use of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium due to their single fertilization varieties. Trace elements have a great influence on crop yield and quality. If palm fertilizer is used to excavate scientific fertilization techniques, it will greatly affect farmers' production and income.
I. Effect of manganese on crop growth and development and lack of manganese
1. Manganese is an activator of various enzymes in plants and participates in photosynthesis, promoting the formation of chlorophyll and the assimilation of carbohydrates. Therefore, when the plants are deficient in manganese, the chlorosis symptoms are very obvious, and it is easy to cause various metabolic processes of the plants to be blocked, resulting in reduced production.
2. When wheat is deficient in manganese, it shows that the leaves are covered with softness. The new veins are chlorotic, yellow-green and yellow, and when manganese is severely depleted, the plants wither until death. The lighter ones reduce the yield and quality.
3. When rice is deficient in manganese, the plants are short, with few tillers, and the leaves are short and thin, with serious fading, yellowish-green, and finally brown spots. In severe cases, the spots are connected into strips, and eventually they gradually become necrotic.
4. In maize, there is a lack of manganese, and the leaves appear yellow stripes parallel to the veins. In severe cases, a long, white stripe with a central brown color appears on the leaves, and finally it dies.
5. Tobacco is deficient in manganese, and young leaves are brown. The tissues between veins turn grayish green to white, and necrotic spots appear. Finally, the leaves wither.
6, apple lack of manganese, chlorosis between leaves, showing a light green spots, severe veins appear brown and necrosis.
Similar symptoms occur when other crops are deficient in manganese. In the past two years, manganese fertilizers have been applied to manganese-depleted soils in Baoqing County, which has obvious effect of increasing production.
Second, fertilization principles and methods
1. In addition to the consideration of trace element content and crop species in the application of trace elements, the species of trace elements, the quantity, method and time of application should also be considered.
2. Manganese fertilizer as base fertilizer: When basal fertilizer is used, it is generally applied with manure or 1 to 2 kg of manganese sulfate per 667 square meters and can be mixed or applied.
3, manganese fertilizer can be seeded: per kilogram of seed with manganese sulfate 4 ~ 8 grams, with a small amount of water will be dissolved in the manganese sulfate sprayed on the seed, while spraying while turning and mix well, can be sown after drying.
4, manganese fertilizer soaking: with 0.5 ~ 0.1% of manganese sulfate solution, soaking for 8 hours, fertilizer and seed amount of 1:1, can be sown after drying.
5, manganese fertilizer spray: generally 0.1 ~ 0.2% manganese sulfate solution, every 667m' liquid volume 50 ~ 75 liters, respectively, in the seedling stage, the growth of spraying 2 or 3 times.
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