Scientific name: AcerginnalaMaxim
Family: Eucalyptus
Alias: tea bar
Origin distribution:
The origins of Central and North Asia, China's northeast, the Yellow River Basin and the lower reaches of the Yangtze River are also distributed.
Morphological characteristics:
Deciduous small trees, high 6-10M. Bark gray rough. The leaves are ovate or round, and the nucleus protrudes on both sides. The fruit wings open into sharp angles or are nearly parallel and purple.
Semi-single leaf, opposite, 4-8 cm long, 3-lobed, middle long, leaf margins heavily serrate, surface glabrous, leaf surface dark green luster, back pale green; petiole 1.2-4.5 cm.
In summer, the leaf color is a beautiful, dark green color, autumn turns yellow and red, and the autumn leaf color performs best under light conditions. Cone, yellow-white, fragrant, flowering from April to May.
If mature in September.
Growth habits:
Weakly positive, cold-resistant, resistant to half shade, under the hot sun bark vulnerable to burning; also like warm; hi deep and well-drained sandy loam.
Seeds are subjacent at 20-30 degrees for 30-60 days, and then cooled to 5 degrees for under 150 days. After mild acid treatment, the seeds are stratified at 5 degrees for 90 days; in addition, 4-5 pieces are stored at 5 degrees. Month can also germinate.
Garden use:
The trunk of this species is straight, the flowers are fragrant, the summer fruits are red and beautiful, and the autumn leaves are easily changed to bright red. The samara is also a lovely red garden before it matures. It is a good garden ornamental tree, and it can also be used as a hedge and a small street tree. Screens, clusters, clusters, and shade resistance compared to other banyan trees. Sprouts are strong and can be potted.
Dongguan Anmeixuan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd ,