Field identification leaves, pedicels lesions large, oval or spindle-shaped, purple or purple brown. Humidity spots often grow out of mold, arranged in a concentric ring pattern. Lesions are often enlarged around the leaves and pedicels. Softened from the disease.
The pathogenic bacteria cause winter sickness in the soil and the seeds can also carry the bacteria. By wind, rain spread. 24 -27C, heavy rain, suitable for disease. Lack of fertilizer and water, extensive management, plant weakness, and pests such as fleas are also serious.
Control points 1 Use disease-free seeds.
2 More than 2 years of rotation with non-onion vegetables in critically ill areas.
3 Apply base fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers in combination; timely tillage and weed control.
4 It is not too early to harvest onions. Fully dry after harvest.
5 Spray 75% chlorothalonil 500 times, or 40% antibiotics 400 times, or 70% mancozeb 500 times, or 40% sterilize 400 times, or 50%. Bacillin 500 times, or 50% fluocin 1500 times, or 58% metalaxyl zinc 500 times, or 64% antiviral 500 times, or 1:1: 160-200 Bordeaux mixture.
The pathogenic bacteria cause winter sickness in the soil and the seeds can also carry the bacteria. By wind, rain spread. 24 -27C, heavy rain, suitable for disease. Lack of fertilizer and water, extensive management, plant weakness, and pests such as fleas are also serious.
Control points 1 Use disease-free seeds.
2 More than 2 years of rotation with non-onion vegetables in critically ill areas.
3 Apply base fertilizer, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers in combination; timely tillage and weed control.
4 It is not too early to harvest onions. Fully dry after harvest.
5 Spray 75% chlorothalonil 500 times, or 40% antibiotics 400 times, or 70% mancozeb 500 times, or 40% sterilize 400 times, or 50%. Bacillin 500 times, or 50% fluocin 1500 times, or 58% metalaxyl zinc 500 times, or 64% antiviral 500 times, or 1:1: 160-200 Bordeaux mixture.
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Changchun Medicon Technology Development Co., Ltd ,