First, improve soil texture. Deeply shed soil in greenhouses, combined with site preparation, appropriate sand mixing, improved soil structure, increased soil permeability, activated soil, increased ground temperature, and reduced groundwater level.
Second, increase organic fertilizer. Apply high-quality compost or manure 1500-2500 kg per acre to increase soil organic matter content, improve soil texture, and loosen and activate soil. This will not only be conducive to the extension of lateral roots of greenhouse vegetables, but also conducive to enhancing the ability of vegetable roots to absorb nutrients and moisture. Before the application, it must be fermented and fermented.
Third, land for salt. Eradication of 2-3 cm of soil from the surface of greenhouse soil, replacing it with fertile soil and replacing salt with soil.
Fourth, irrigation washing salt. Fill the soil in the greenhouse and wash it with running water. Can also be irrigated to the greenhouse water to the surface area of ​​3-5 cm, soak 5-7 days, and then discharge the water, after the field ploughing leveling spare.
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