Blight caused by the disease is the main disease in the protected area. The diseased area was initially water-stained, and the leaves and calyx disease were dark green, while the roots and bulbs were light brown, and the diseased parts had no obvious edges. The diseased part produces white sparse mildew when it is wet, and the diseased leaves become dry yellow when dry. The soft rot of the infected plant's roots and stems cannot normally absorb water and nutrients, resulting in the overlying or dry parts of the ground. The occurrence of epidemics is related to water accumulation. During the prevention and treatment, attention should be paid to drainage, dehumidification and rotation. In the early stage of disease, 58% manganese zinc metalaxyl 500 times solution or 40% ethyphosphine aluminum 200 to 300 times solution can be used for prevention and treatment. 40~50 kg, once in 7~10 days.
Botrytis cinerea caused by Botrytis cinerea begins to develop from the tip of the leaf blade downwards, and white or light brown petals appear on the front and back of the leaf blade at the early stage of disease. As the disease progresses, the lesion expands into a fusiform or elliptical shape and eventually the diseased leaves dry up. When wet, the diseased leaves produce a layer of gray to grayish green dense mold. In addition to prevention and control of drainage and dehumidification, 50% of procymidone can be used for 1000 to 1500 times, 20% of triadimefon 800 to 1000 times or 50% of carbendazim to 600 times. After harvest, the seedling height is 5~8. Spray once in centimeters.
The leafhoppers caused by earthworms bore into the bulbs to feed, and often there are dozens of larvae. The victim's bulbs are eaten into empty holes, causing decay, yellow leaves, and death. Prevention and control can be taken to sun root, planting wood ash measures, or per acre with 5% phoxim granules 2 kg mixed with fine soil sprinkled near the leeks and then covered with soil. During the period of larvae damage, it was found that the tip of the leaf began to yellow and become soft to the ground. It can be diluted with 30 g of active ingredient of ciprofloxamine per acre and diluted evenly in the rhizome of leeks. In the adult emergence period (mid-to-late April, mid-June, late July, mid-October), imidacloprid, phoxim, or deltamethrin spray can be used for prevention and treatment.
Physiological diseases caused by the acidification of the dead leaves, ammonia poisoning, high temperature (above 35°C) and low temperature can cause white tip rotten leaves, calcium deficiency, lack of boron, excessive manganese can also cause tip yellowing, can be targeted to prevent and cure Measures.
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