The temperature in winter is low, and most of the activities and damages of pests and diseases are hidden. For the application of chemical pesticides at low temperatures, in addition to the selection of roadsides, the following points should also be noted:
1, choose sunny days high temperature medication. The use of drugs in the hot season is generally better after 4 pm, when the leaves of crops absorb the most pesticides. However, in winter, it is better to choose the best temperature for sunny days when the temperature is high. If herbicides are applied at high temperature, the weeds absorb the pesticide at a high speed and in large amounts, and the metabolism is difficult to decompose, so it is easy to achieve the purpose of weeding.
2, increase the amount of medication. The pesticide lethal dose of pests is not constant. The higher the temperature, the lower the lethal dose of insect pests. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the dosage in the winter to prevent the death of insects. Therefore, the dosage should be determined according to the temperature, but it is generally not recommended to exceed the conventional dosage. 50% of the amount. Application of pesticides in winter requires strict addition of water according to the dilution factor. Do not arbitrarily reduce the amount of water used.
3. Reasonably select suitable pesticides for winter use. In general, stomach poisons and contact poisons are less affected by temperature, and the inhalants and fumigants are more affected by temperature. Such as trichlorfon, dichlorvos, dimethoate, omethoate, methamidophos, etc., low temperatures will significantly affect its insecticidal effect; and cypermethrin, deltamethrin and other insecticides such as insecticides and phoxim Pesticides, such as lime sulfur, can still exert better insecticidal effects when applied at lower temperatures. Therefore, when applying pesticides in winter, it is best to use several types of pesticides. Herbicides are used during the cold season in winter, and their display effect is much longer than when they are applied at high temperatures. As long as the liquid is sprayed in place, it is generally not necessary to re-use the herbicide.
4, to extend the safety interval of the crop. The pesticides applied in winter have a slow degradation rate, so the residual period in the crops is relatively prolonged. Especially in the prevention of pests and diseases such as vegetables and flowers in winter, special attention should be paid to prolonging the safety interval of pesticides to ensure human health and prevent poisoning accidents. occur.
5, priority use of soil pesticides. Soil pesticides have low prices, but their disadvantages are that they are prone to injury. However, fruit trees are resistant to pesticides during the dormancy period in winter. Controlling pests with pesticides such as Bordeaux mixture and lime sulfur is economical and effective.
6, in a barrel of diluent, add a small packet of "medicinal primer" or 15 grams of vegetable oil, as an adhesive, but can not be used when used on vegetables.
Bear Bile,Bird'S Nest,Velvet Antler,Animal Species
Henan Qiancuntang medicial technology ,