Cockroach is a high-quality forage grass with high nutritional value and good palatability. All kinds of livestock like to eat. However, some animals feed on a large amount of earthworms. After exposure to sunlight, inflammation of the skin occurs, that is, "debris".
First, symptoms of livestock suffering from "rickets", often loss of appetite or disappear. The light was found to have no pigmentation on the skin of the head and limbs, and there was flushing and swelling. After the inflammation disappeared, the affected area was depilated. The rashes often appeared on the bovine limbs, under the chest and abdomen, at the breasts, and in the neck, and itching was disturbed. In severe cases, the skin is swollen, touch-sensitive pain, and some septic and purulent infection; some conjunctival yellow, runny nose, abdominal pain, constipation; there are neurological symptoms such as anxiety or drowsiness, paralysis and so on.
Second, prevention and control 1 After the animal feeds the earthworm, do not allow it to shine under strong sunlight; do not grazing under the scorching sun to the long grassland. When feeding livestock with quail, it must be matched with other forages (better than dry grass). 2 After the onset of the livestock, stop feeding the quail immediately and rush the sick animals to a more cool place. 3 500 ml of vegetable oil or lard, once fed. 4 Inflammation on the skin can be washed with 3% salicylic acid and then rubbed with anti-inflammatory ointment. 5 With 25% glucose 150 ml, 40% urotropin 60 ml, Anagasin 25 ml, once intravenously once daily for 5 days.
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