Why avermectin kills aphids

Recently, a letter from a teacher from Jiyuan City came out and reflected: Aphid damage occurred on crops such as eggplant, tomato, melon, etc. The use of avermectin (Ziqisu) to prevent and control insecticides was too bad. What kind of agents were used to prevent and control aphids?

Since spring this year, a number of vegetable farmers have called in to consult this question. 10 years ago, with the use of 1.8% abamectin 3000 times solution to control the tea plant, eggplant, pepper and other vegetables on the eggplant, pepper and other vegetables, the killing rate was above 98%. The content and dilution of avermectin prevent and control the aphids, and the kill rate is less than 70%. The reason is that due to the continuous application of abamectin, the aphid produces a strong resistance to it. Therefore, when medicines are used to control aphids, special attention should be paid to the use of agents that can efficiently kill drug-resistant aphids.

Spraying with one of the following agents can effectively kill aphids: 20% amitraz 2000~3000 times, 1.2% evictor (avermectin and beta-cypermethrin) EC 2500~3500 times, 20% euphorbia Ester) Emulsifiable concentrate 2500-3000 times, 10.5% cardio (Avizone) WP 3000 times, 5% thiazolyl (Nisolil) 1500 times, 73% cyprodin 2000~2500 Times of fluid, 2% of Russell hair (flumethrin) EC 1500 times, 0.5% of Ciclosporin (Hypoxaine alcohol) Aqueous Solution 800 times, 0.2% of Antidote (Matrine) Aqueous Agent 300~400 Double fluid. Spray once every 7~8 days, even spray 2~3 times, spray tightly, do not leak spray.

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