One of the 12 health plans to raise kidney and prevent cold

January: Kidney cold protection
Climate characteristics: January includes the two solar terms of the Osamu and the Great Cold, which is the coldest time of the year. The cold and Osamu showed the level of icy cold. It was known literally that it was cold on Osamu, but in the climate record, Osamu was colder than the big ice. Western medicine believes that the cold is the main gas in the summer and the cold is the evil spirit. It is easy to hurt the human yang, and the cold host receives stagnation.
Health standard: "Autumn and Winter" ("Huang Di Nei Jing").
Health key: "Kidney cold."
Pay attention to temper, keep warm: such as walking, jogging, etc., should also pay attention to keep warm to avoid the onset of respiratory diseases.
The diet should be “nourishing”: The official saying “three or nine years to make a winter and no pain in the coming year” is a proverb. After spending nearly one year in spring, summer and autumn, the visceral yin and yang qi and blood will be partial to failure. Reasonable replenishment can supplement qi and blood and fluids in time, resist cold invasion, and make fewer illnesses in the coming year. Health purpose.

Diet Taboo: Eat more lamb, dog meat, chicken, turtle, walnut, jujube, longan, yams, lotus seeds, lilies, chestnuts and so on. All of the above foods have the effect of invigorating the spleen and stomach, warming the kidney and kidney, invigorating the spleen and relieving phlegm, and relieving cough and lungs. Of course, those who are physically hot and tend to get angry are advised to pay attention to replenishing and eating less. Avoid all cold things, such as ice cream, cold food.


Referral diet:
Angelica simmered lamb stew ingredients: Angelica 15 grams, 10 grams longan, Poria 15 grams, 500 grams of lamb.
System of law: lamb cuts, add ginger boiled slightly with boiling water, water drain and drain, to participate in the drug, the soup, cooked stew, drink soup to eat meat.
Function: Warm lamb meat, including protein, fat, sugar, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins (A, B), etc., there is yin and yang, tonic benefit qi and blood. Longan replenishing heart and soul, can go to mutton smell. Angelica nourishing blood, blood circulation. Angelica stew mutton can make yin and yang, replenishing heart and spleen.

Urine Test Strips 14 Parameters

Measures 14 Different Components of Urine

Micro albumin tests for early nephropathy (early kidney disease)
Leukocytes aka white blood cells. Also indicates presence of infection
Nitrites may be a sign of urinary tract infection or other infection
Urobilinogen checks for liver disease
Protein tests for kidney function
pH measures urine acidity, associated with higher risk for kidney stones
Blood can result from infection, injury, inflammation, kidney stones or cancer
Specific gravity evaluates the body's water balance and urine concentration
Ascorbate this test reveals the concentration of ascorbic acid in urine which varies with the intake
Ketones caused by disorders of increased metabolism; also by unbalanced diets such as high protein/low carb, anorexia or fasting
Bilirubin could indicate liver or gallbladder problems such as gallstones, hepatitis, cirrhosis or tumors.
Glucose the most common test for diabetes
Creatinine used in the diagnosis and treatment of renal diseases. It can also be used to monitor renal dialysis, and as a calculation basis for measuring other urine analytes

How To Test?

1. Remove one strip from the bottle and replace the cap immediately.

2. Immerse the reagent area of the strip in the urine specimen and take it out quickly.

3. Wipe off excess urine against the rim of the specimen container.

4. Read the test results carefully within 60 seconds in a good light and with the test area held near the appropriate color chart on the bottle label. Changes in color that appear only along the edges of the test pads or after moving than 2 minutes have passed are of no diagnostic significance. Results with leukocytes test portion can be read within 120 seconds.If reading instrumentally, carefully follow the directions given in the appropriate instrument operating manual

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