Causes and Prevention of Peanut Virus Disease

Cause: Peanut virus disease mainly consists of different types of diseases such as light mottle, yellow flower leaves, common mosaic leaves, buds and so on.

Peanut light mottle virus disease, caused by the peanut stripe virus, the susceptible plant first appeared chlorotic spots on the top tender leaves, then developed into light green and green light mottle, mottled, with intermittent green stripes along the veins and oak leaves Mosaic and other symptoms. Early susceptible plants were slightly dwarfed, and dwarfing was not obvious at the later stage. The incidence of light mottle disease in the field has early onset, rapid proliferation, early peak formation, and high frequency of epidemic.

Peanut yellow mosaic virus disease caused by the cucumber mosaic virus, the diseased plant began to appear on the top of the young leaves chlorotic yellow spots, leaf curling. Subsequently, it developed yellow and green yellow leaves, reticular veins and green stripes and other symptoms. Dwarf diseased plants. The mosaic of yellow mosaic disease has the characteristics of early occurrence and early peak formation.

Peanut common mosaic virus disease, caused by the flower dwarf virus, the diseased veins began to appear in the top tender leaves or chlorotic spots, and then developed into a light green and white common mosaic symptoms. The appearance of small green stripes and spots along the lateral veins. The leaves become narrow and the leaves wavy. The diseased plants were moderately dwarfed, and the resulting pods were mostly small fruits. The common mosaic disease developed slowly in the early stage of peanut growth and reached the peak in the middle and later stages of reproduction. The annual frequency was low.

The bud blight of peanut is caused by Tomato spotted wilt virus. The diseased strain begins to appear many chlorotic macules or ring spots with necrosis on the top leaf. Some leaf necrosis, along the petiole and the top epidermis brown vascular brown column, and can cause the top dead. Apical growth was inhibited, internode shortened, and plants were apparently dwarfed.

Peanut virus disease is one of the major diseases of peanuts, which seriously affects the output and quality of peanuts. It is particularly serious in the northern China production areas.

Peanut virus disease, in addition to bud blight is mainly transmitted by the thrips, other diseases such as light mottle disease, yellow mosaic disease, common mosaic disease is transmitted through the seeds and mites, and the major primary infestation sources of these disease-borne diseases are transmitted. . The transmission rate is mainly affected by the onset period, early onset, and the rate of species transmission is high. The seed poisoning rate is negatively correlated with the seed size, the high seed rate is low, and the small seed rate is high. In the presence of toxic and susceptible species, the occurrence of locusts sooner or later and the number of viral diseases are the main factors. The locusts that transmit the virus are mainly winged crickets in the field. In the early stage of peanut, the locusts occur early and the quantity is large, which may cause serious disease epidemic, otherwise the incidence is light. The rainfall during the seedling stage of peanuts is mild, and the weather is mild and dry. This can easily lead to the occurrence of large scale locusts and cause disease epidemics, whereas it is lighter.

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