

Character identification

Asahara Asahi, many dozens of branches became a small one and often curled up into groups. Rhizomes irregularly cylindrical, with short branches, length 1~10cm, diameter 0.2~0.4cm; surface grayish brown, rough, with ring segments, internode length 0.9~0.3cm, stems with bowl-shaped stems at the top of branches mark. The root is slender, dense section, length 10 ~ 20cm, diameter 1mm, the surface is grayish yellow, smooth or with longitudinal wrinkles, crisp and easy to break, cross section is yellow-white, basal leaves l-3, with long handle, smooth surface, leaves Broken, complete heart-shaped to kidney-like heart-shaped, long 4~10cm, entire, apex short or blunt, base heart-shaped. The surface is light green. Some of the visible flowers and flowers, flowers and more shrinking, bell-shaped, dark purple, perianth lobes countervolute and perianth tube several all. The fruit is hemispherical. Gas spicy, spicy, Ma Tong.

The rhizomes of the cultivated product are more branched, 5 to 15 cm long and 0.2 to 0.6 cm in diameter. Root length 15 ~ 40cm, diameter 0.1 ~ 0.2cm, many leaves. Asarum arborescens diameter 0.l ~ 0.5cm, internode length 0.1 ~ l cm. Basal leaves mostly 2, petiole hairy, leaves thicker. Perianth lobes develop. The fruit is hemispherical.

Hua Xixin is similar to Northern Asarum, but its root length is 5 to 20 cm, its diameter is 0.1 to 0.2 cm, and its internode length is 0.2 to 1 cm. Basal leaves l~2, leaf blade thin, heart-shaped, apex acuminate. Perianth lobes develop. Fruit nearly spherical. Odor is weak.

Yellow, green, dry and spicy are the best.

Microscopic identification

Northern Asahiyama cross section:

1. Epigenetic epidermis is a series of square-shaped cells with epidermal cells on the outside.

2. The cortex is broad, parenchyma cells are filled with spherical starch grains, oil cells containing oil droplets; the inner cortex is obvious and Kjeldahl is visible. Stone cells are sometimes found in the coarser roots.

3. The middle occipital area is a column of parenchyma cells.

4. The vascular bundle secondary tissues are underdeveloped, and the primary xylem four prototypes, the formation layer is faintly visible, and the lateral phloem cells.

Aspergillus niger leaf surface view: oil cells, protective hairs, and stomata on the epidermis. Oil cells are convex or concave round cells. The protective hair cone is composed of 1-7 cells. There are verrucous processes on the wall. The protective hair on the lower surface of the epidermis is more than on the epidermis. The protective hair on the upper epidermis is mostly distributed at the leaf veins. Pore ​​infinitive. Sponge tissue contains small amounts of calcium oxalate crystals and small square crystals.

Seoul Asarum rhizome cross-section: fiber and stone cells are seen near the medullary canal.

Aspergillus leaf surface view: Non-glandular hairs are visible on both the upper and lower surfaces. The non-glandular hair on the upper surface consists of 1-7 cells and is 160-240 μm long and 40-50 μm in diameter. The non-glandular hair on the lower epidermis is composed of 4-7 cells, 280-360 μm long, 28-36 μm in diameter, and 30 oil cell diameters. ~60μm.

The surface view of the leaves of Hua Xixin: The upper and lower surface pores are also infinitive, and have irregular round oil cells and depressed spherical cells. On the upper surface, there are many protective hairs scattered on the surface. On the veins, finger-like single-cell protective hairs are placed on the veins. On the upper surface, only sparse multicellular protective hairs are on the veins.

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