Morphological characteristics
Evergreen subshrubs, about 1-3 meters tall, erect, many branched; branches open or upper vinelike, often by obvious calcareous particles, except glands outside the hairless. Leaves thin, usually long ovate, long (3) 5-8(13) cm, broad (1.8) 2.5-4(7) cm, apex acuminate, base of lower sinuate blunt or truncate and then tapering into Stem; petiole base absent or often semi-circular ear. Spikes usually contain (3) 25-70 flowers; total pedicels 5-15 mm in length; flower axis length (2) 3-8 (15) cm (up to 1x when the result is extended), both with total pedicels Headlike or stalked glands; sepals 4–6(8) mm long, 1–1.5(2.5) mm wide, ovate-triangular to lanceolate, apex acuminate or caudate; About 2 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, linear; calyx (open flowers) 10.5-11.5 mm long (results to 13 mm), about 2 mm in diameter in the middle of the calyx tube, 5 small triangular lobes at tip, along full length The green part has a stalked gland; the corolla is white or slightly blue-white, the corolla tube is 1.8-2.2 cm long, the middle diameter is about 1.2-1.5 mm, the diameter of the crown is about 1.6-1.8 cm, the lobe is about 7 mm long, and the width is about 4 mm, obovate, apex mucronulate; stamens ca. as long as corolla tube, anthers ca. 2 mm, blue; ovary elliptic, 5-sided, style glabrous. Capsule oblong, pale yellow-brown; seeds red-brown, about 7 mm long, about 1.5 mm wide, about 0.6 mm thick, pointed tip. Flowering from October to next March. The fruiting period is from December to April.
The main root is elongated and cylindrical, many branches, up to 30cm in length, about 5mm in diameter, slightly curved, with many fine roots on the top, and the surface is gray-brown or brown-yellow. Stem cylindrical, diameter 4-6mm, branched, yellow-green to light brown surface, section is obvious, with fine longitudinal edges; hard, easy to break, cross-section of the skin was fibrous, pale brown. The middle was granular. Yellowish white. Pith white. The leaves were shrivelled and shattered, and the intact ones were oval or oblong-oval after flattening. They were 4-9cm long and 3-6cm wide; they were pale green to yellow-green, and pale gray-green to pale yellow-green. Spikes are terminal, tubelike, glandular, with white to pale yellow flowers. Gently, spicy.
Mooncake,Red Bean Mooncake,Jelly Mooncake,Snow Skin Mooncake