chemical composition
The seeds of yangchun sand contain volatile oil, which contains borneol acetate, camphor, terpenes, limonene, β-pinene, nerolidol and α-pinene, terpenes, eucalyptol, linalool, Alpha-pepperene, guaiaol, and the like. Contains flavonoids.
Seeds contain about 1.7-3% of volatile oil. The main components of oil are dextrin, borneol, acetic acid, naphthoquinone, L nalool, and Nerolidol (C15H26O).
Sand-salted seeds contain 1.7% to 3% of volatile oil. The main components are d-Camphor, d-Borneol, Bornyl acetate, Linalool, and orange. Nerolidol and a terpene. Yangchun sand, the volatile oil of the leaf is similar to the volatile oil of the seed, contains borneol, borneol acetate, camphor, and limonene, and also contains 0.69% saponin.
Amomum villosum L. contains volatile oil and its composition is very complex. It mainly includes limonene, Linalool, Bornylacetate and the like. In addition to strong aromatic odor and strong spicy, but also inhibit the intestinal tract. There is the role of wet spleen, qi and stomach, digestion.
API Powder (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient)
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients refer to the raw materials used in the production of various preparations. They are the effective ingredients in the preparations. They are various powders, crystals, extracts, etc., prepared by chemical synthesis, plant extraction or biotechnology, but Substances that the patient cannot take directly.
According to its source,Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients are divided into two categories: synthetic chemical drugs and natural chemical drugs.Chemical synthetic drugs can be divided into inorganic synthetic drugs and organic synthetic drugs. Inorganic synthetic drugs are inorganic compounds (extremely elements), such as aluminum hydroxide and magnesium trisilicate used to treat gastric and duodenal ulcers; organic synthetic drugs are mainly composed of basic organic chemical raw materials, through a series of organic Drugs made by chemical reactions (such as aspirin, chloramphenicol, caffeine, etc.).
Natural chemical drugs can also be divided into biochemical drugs and phytochemical drugs according to their sources.Antibiotics are generally made by microbial fermentation, which belongs to the category of biochemistry.In recent years, many semisynthetic antibiotics are the combination of biosynthesis and chemosynthesis.Among APIs, organic synthetic drugs account for the largest proportion in variety, yield and output value, which is the main pillar of chemical pharmaceutical industry.The quality of API determines the quality of preparation, so its quality standards are very strict. All countries in the world have formulated strict national pharmacopoeia standards and quality control methods for its widely used API
Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient,API powder,minoxidil,monobenzone
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