Herbal grass - morphology

Herbs and plants

Ruyi grass, sea perennial is a perennial grass flower. Head flower, flower hemispherical, dark red. Flowering is from March to June. The leaves are as slender as iris. Clustered, evergreen, suitable for planting in miniature pots.


The breeding of the herbaceous grass is dominated by the ramets. In the spring and autumn season, the plants are poured out of the pots, and the roots are lightly shaken. When the rhizomes are exposed, they can be gently opened by hand. Forty-five seedlings are bundled, rooted, and planted. After half a month, they can be planted. Normal care.

Basal leaves dark green, triangular-cordate or ovate-cordate, 1.5--3 cm long, 2-5.5 cm wide, apex acute, dilute acuminate, base usually broadly cordate, submerged, heart-shaped, ankylosed The crescents are large and developed with large flaps. The margins have shallow, inwardly curved sparse serrations. The two sides are usually glabrous or the lower veins are softly pilose. The leaves on the stem and lychee are similar to the leaves of the basal leaves. Basal leaves long-stemmed, petiole 5-20 cm long, upper part narrowly winged, stems petiolate and petiole of upper litchi shorter; stipules lanceolate, 5-10 mm long, apex acuminate, usually all Edge or finely toothed and ciliary. Flowers lavender or white, all taken from leaf blades of stem leaves or litchi, with long stems, 2 linear bracts above middle of pedicel; bracts ovate-lanceolate, ca. 4 mm, apex tipped, base The appendages are very short semicircular with narrow membranous margins; petals narrowly obovate, ca. 7.5 mm, lateral petals with dark purple stripes, inside sparsely short beard at base, lower petals below, with distinct dark purple stripes, The base has a short distance of about 2 mm; the lower stamens are coarse and short, their lengths are nearly equal to the anthers, and the ends are round; the ovary is glabrous, the style is clavate, the base is slightly geniculate, and the stigma increases upward. Cracks, both lobes hypertrophy, erect upright, the central part of the crown was raised like a chicken, with a short pimple at the base between the front lobes, with a circular stigma hole. Capsule oblong, 6-8 mm long, ca. 3 mm thick, glabrous, apex pointed. Seeds ovate, pale yellow, ca. 1.5 mm in length, ca. 1 mm in diam., with membranous wings on base side.

Production in Taiwan, Guangdong and Yunnan. Born in damp valleys, marshes, and shrublands. India, Myanmar, Vietnam and Indonesia also have distributions.

Key Intermediates

Intermediate – Intermediate: A material produced during a drug substance processing step that must undergo further molecular modification or refinement to become a drug substance. Intermediates may or may not be isolated. Intermediates are the key products of the previous process of making APIs, which are different in structure from APIs.

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for example:

Amoxicillin capsules are called preparations, amoxicillin is called API, and 6-APA is called intermediate.

Ceftriaxone sodium powder is called preparation, sterile ceftriaxone sodium is called API, and 7-ACA is called intermediate.

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