Wearable medical into a new favorite, the lightest and thinest wearable foot drop aids developed successfully

Wearable medical into a new favorite, the lightest and thinest wearable foot drop aids developed successfully

March 05, 2015 Source: IDC

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Wearable medical devices are becoming the new darling of the medical field, and the number of people who suffer from strokes in the world and in China continues to increase every year. Effective and convenient rehabilitation medical equipment can help stroke patients greatly reduce the possibility of paralysis and improve their lives. quality.

IDC and Xuntong have jumped out of the traditional design thinking, from the completely different design ideas, successfully designed and developed the thinnest wearable foot drop aids on the market, and it can flexibly adapt to the patient's stillness and movement. Under the shape change, improve product efficacy, and better operational performance (to achieve the most proportion of stroke patients with unilateral stroke can be worn with one hand).

In order to make the electrode piece of the patient's leg nerves as close as possible to the leg, the traditional design on the market uses a hard strap to tie the instrument tightly to the leg, but this is neither comfortable nor well matched with the disease. Suffering from different human states in stillness and movement.

After repeated research into ergonomics, experimenting with different materials, and exploratory tests such as firmness and deformability, IDC designed a strap that was embedded with a C-shaped strip and an elastic material to subtly overcome the contradiction between efficacy and comfort.

In order to make the product as light and thin as possible, to avoid the cumbersome feeling of such products, in addition to considering the material of each component, IDC and Xunfengtong's wearable walker also streamlined the components of the strap and the back shell of the neurometer. Incorporating with a flat C-shaped strip, the conventionally separated sanitary layer and electrode sheets are modified into a single, detachable electrode sheet. Xunfengtong also specially designed the wearable walker to be rechargeable.

This not only reduces the number of installation steps for the patient but also reduces the production cost of the product. In IDC's view, simplification of complex products is a key point in product development, and this design principle must be implemented in product structure realization and production realization. The concept of simplification is not just the reduction in the number of structures or components. The successful application of the simplistic design concept is precisely a more rigorous design thinking.

In order to facilitate the patient's wear and use of the product, compared with the traditional products, IDC increases the area of ​​the electrode piece so that the patient can position the neurometer without relying on the doctor as in the past; the strap is specially designed with a "magic" buckle, thus When the body of a stroke patient is not controlled, it is still easy to tie the device to the leg with one hand. The stroke patient is mostly middle-aged and elderly. IDC also designed the metal buckle and magnet attached to the neck for the product. The remote control is easy to carry and use.

Through the cooperation with IDC, Xunfengtong's high-integration wearable walker has been certified by the US FDA, and its products have been successfully sold worldwide.

IDC believes that the core of R&D and design of wearable medical products is high integration, while at the same time being functional and wearable. Such wearable medical devices are an important development area for the future medical industry. Chinese companies should focus on the use of technology, experience and materials. , Appearance and Functional Innovation These comprehensive productization processes enable quality wearable medical products that benefit more patients while increasing the business value of the business.


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