Rose Grey Mold Symptoms and Its Control Measures

Botrytis cinerea mainly damages flowers and twigs. After the buds are infested, they begin to have water-stained irregular spots, and the lesions continuously expand, causing the whole bud to become soft and rot. After the diseased buds withered, they were hung on top of the diseased tissue. The pathogens also invaded the shoots that had been removed. Under warm and humid conditions, a large number of gray moldy layers occurred in the diseased part.

Disease symptoms:

Botrytis cinerea mainly damages leaves, buds, buds and flowers, as well as young stems. When the edge and tip of the leaf occur, it begins with a water-stained hazel-like spot, which is slightly subsiding and then decays. The incidence of buds, grayish black lesions, can prevent flowers open, diseased buds withered. When flowers are invaded, some petals become brown and shriveled and corrupted. Botrytis cinerea also invades the branches after florescence, and the black disease can be infected by several centimeters along the point of infestation. In a warm and humid environment, the gray mold layer can completely cover the affected area.


1. Remove diseased flowers in time, remove withered old flowers, and burn them together.

2. Cultivation of greenhouses Pay attention to ventilation, reduce air humidity, make the indoor rose have a good growth environment, prevent the humidity is too high.

3. Onset of spraying 65% dexamethasone wettable powder 600 times, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder 700 times or 70% thiophanate-methyl WP wet 1500 times.

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