Prevention of falling and fruiting of tomatoes in winter greenhouses

First, the cause of the light caused by falling flowers and falling:

Appropriate light hours for normal tomato growth are 12-16 hours, and light intensity is 4-7 million LX (lux). The intensity and hours of light in winter and spring are obviously insufficient, and there are too many rainy and rainy weather in winter and spring. In order to keep warm, the greenhouse cover is exposed late, covered early, and even uncovered all day, which affects photosynthesis and pollen malnutrition and pollination. Bad, causing falling flowers and falling fruit.

Preventive measures: (1) increase the light transmission time as much as possible; (2) artificial fill light, can hang a 40 W light bulb every 3 meters in the shed, supplement light for 1-2 hours in the morning and evening.

Second, the temperature caused by falling flowers and falling:

The temperature is too low, too high and a sudden change can cause tomatoes to fall. For tomato flowering, if the temperature is below 13°C or above 30°C, it will cause poor pollination, resulting in falling flowers and falling fruits.

Preventive measures: Prevent the temperature of the booth from being too high or too low by means of ventilation or cover double-tie, and try to avoid the emergence of low temperature or high temperature environment, shorten the duration of low temperature or high temperature. Note that the temperature difference during flowering is not too large. Generally, the temperature difference between day and night is 8-10°C.

Third, malnutrition caused by falling flowers:

Insufficient and uneven fertilization results in lack of nutrients, especially trace elements, such as boron, magnesium, calcium, etc., which can easily cause the concentration of CO2 in flowering and fruit dropping to be too low, so that the plants are in a state of photosynthesis and starvation.

Preventive measures: Basal fertilizer should be applied adequately and evenly, topdressing should be applied less frequently, and the flowering period can be 2-3 times foliar dressing, applying some trace element fertilizers. Application of CO2 fertilization in the greenhouse to achieve a CO2 concentration of 1000-1200 ml/L can effectively reduce flowering and fruit loss.

Fourth, improper management caused by falling flowers:

If the management of fertilizers and water is not proper and the plants are weak or overgrowth, the fruit setting rate will be very low; the plants and flower organs will be mechanically damaged and they will also fall and fall.

Preventive measures: In the field operations, pay attention not to harm the plants and flower organs; Second, strengthen the management of fertilizer and water, make the plants robust; Also scientifically use plant growth regulators, such as plants, can be used Chlormequat 250mg/L soil Watering, the amount of each plant 100-200ml, effective within a week; to increase the fruit setting rate, flowering period with 10-20mg / L 2,4-D stalk.

V. Falling and falling caused by diseases and insect pests:

When the plant diseases and insect pests occur, especially the flowering period, the physiological function of the plants will be disordered and the fruit will be dropped.

Preventive measures: timely comprehensive management of pests and diseases. Special attention should be paid to avoid spraying during full bloom, reduce the use of water, and use more smoke and dust, so as not to increase the relative humidity of the air in the greenhouse and increase the drop. The drug concentration should be moderate.

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