West blue flower quality cultivation can yield

Selection of varieties and determination of sowing date The blue flowers are suitable for growing in cold climates and can only be cultivated in autumn and winter. It is generally used for processing exports. It requires tight flowering, dark green color, medium and small grains, medium and late ripening, high yield, and a relatively long harvesting period to facilitate factory production. According to this requirement, in the past few years, we have selected the best varieties, such as the future and excellent, early-maturing and heat-resistant.

The selection of the plots was selected as the nursery and transplanting sites because the conditions for irrigation and drainage were good and the former was not a field of cruciferous (Chinese cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower, radish).

Seedling cultivation Because the blue-flowered seedlings are in summer or early fall, they must overcome the adverse factors such as high temperature, rain, and pests. Therefore, they should be nursed in a greenhouse with ventilation, good drainage, shade, and heavy rain.

After sowing, the seedlings shall be timely covered with plastic film, the film shall be covered with a shade net to cool, the roof shall be covered with a top film, the top film shall be covered with a shade net, and the temperature within the tent shall be controlled at about 25°C. 2 days after sowing, the emergence of seedlings was checked. When about 70% emerged, the plastic film and shade net were removed from the seedling bed in the evening.

The seedbed management is not watered before breaking the heart, preventing high hypocotyls from forming tall seedlings. The seedling period does not exceed 25-30 days. Diseases at the seedling stage mainly include: damping-off and blight. The method of prevention and control is the use of 75% chlorothalonil 500 times solution or 50% carbendazim 500 times solution and other agents alternately 2 to 3 times after the seedlings are arched.

Apply enough basic fertilizer to plant 100 to 200 tons of organic fertilizer per acre before planting, 50 kg of high-concentration compound fertilizer, and 0.8 kg of boron fertilizer. (No boron bulbs are easily hollowed, but they can also be sprayed in 10 to 12 leaves, which are vigorously sprayed during the growth period). Then plough and turn to make rakes, using high ridge double rows, ridge width 1.0 meters, plant spacing 40 centimeters, acres planted 2700 to 3000 strains. Immediately after planting, set the root water.

The management of the blue flowers in the field is good for fertilizer, timely application of fertilizer and watering in phases, which is the key to good quality and high yield.

Fertilizer management requires sufficient nutrition throughout the growth process, especially before budding, the formation of sufficient nutrients is the key to seizing high yields and increasing the pass rate, otherwise the ball is loose. Fertilization principle, in principle, "light to mention Miao Fei, apply enough hair to fat, clever application of big fertilizer." Under the premise of applying basal fertilizer, the top dressing is applied three times, that is, after 7 to 10 days after planting, the seedling fertilizer is chased once, and 5 kg of urea per acre plus 100 kg of human feces and urine are thinly decomposed. When 10 to 12 pieces of fertilizer are applied, 15 kg of urea per acre and 10 kg of high-concentration compound fertilizer are added. Bud stage, when the buds have the size of table tennis, chase after applying fertilizer, apply 5 kg of urea per acre.

Water management is more stringent for water requirements, and it is neither tolerant to drought nor to drought. Water management should be based on field soil moisture, irrigation and drainage. Irrigation should be used to infuse horse water after the evening and no water is left in the field on the second day. After the rain, pay attention to timely drainage and cultivating and cultivating soil to increase the permeability of the soil and promote root development.

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