New method for treating hepatitis C
April 26, 2016 Source: Bio Valley
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Hepatitis C virus infection usually develops into acute hepatitis C, and the infected person can remove 10% to 50% of the virus by itself. Early diagnosis of hepatitis C virus infection is rare, and the disease can usually be ignored until the patient has experienced some serious liver damage. Sofosbuvir and ledipasvir are a possible treatment for patients with chronic hepatitis C. The virological response (SVR) persisted over 95% during the 12-week treatment period.
“Given the high cost and associated side effects of sofosbuvir and ledipasvir during treatment, we may be an effective option for patients with acute hepatitis C to assess whether shortening the treatment time,†said Katja Deterding of Hannover Medical School, Germany. Studies have shown that the combination of sofosbuvir and ledipasvir is safe, patients with severe liver disease, and patients with acute liver enzymes with high liver enzymes are well tolerated and effective, and shorter treatment times seem to be Does not hinder the efficacy of the drug," said Professor Heiner Wedemeyer.
A preliminary study in Germany surveyed 20 patients. Risk factors for investigators who were diagnosed with hepatitis C virus infection included: sexual transmission (n = 11), medical procedure/acupuncture injury (n = 5), drug use (n = 1), and nail treatment complications (n ​​= 1). The reasons for the remaining two patients are unknown.
All 20 patients took 6 weeks of sofosbuvir and ledipasvir without ribavirin. A 12-week follow-up study found that none of the 20 patients detected hepatitis C virus and that the SVR reached 100%. Researchers say fatigue is the most common side effect (30%).
“These exciting cost-effective treatments can prevent the spread of hepatitis C virus in high-risk populations,†said Professor Frank Tacke. “We expect to see the results of this preliminary study validated and hope that the results will make the clinical results better.â€
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