Release date: 2016-05-26
A recent article published in the international academic journal Clinical Cancer Research pointed out that in addition to genomics research, the US-initiated cancer landing program should target proteins that directly promote cancer development.
President Barack Obama presented the National Cancer Month Plan in his State of the Union address to Congress earlier this year. It is estimated that $1 billion will be invested in the program next year, focusing on immunotherapy, genomics and combination therapy. Thomas P. Conrads from the Inova Schar Cancer Institute and Emanuel F Petricoin of George Mason University published this latest article, hoping that people will pay more attention to the importance of proteomics in precision medicine, especially cancer. Although they strongly agree with the cancer landing plan, they believe that this program should not focus solely on genomics, and proteomics is also a very important aspect.
The author writes in the article: "After all, the genome only archives information, and the protein is the executor of the actual execution of cellular activities. And the protein constitutes the most biomarkers for cancer detection, and also constitutes a driving immune response as well as inside and outside the cell. In addition to the information exchange of antigens, almost every targeted treatment method targets proteins. Therefore, protein should be an important research direction of cancer landing plan."
In December last year, Innova, the largest health system in Northern Virginia, established a partnership with George Mason University to conduct translational medicine research and share resources for the benefit of patients. Researchers at George Mason University have used proteomics to find individualized treatment options for patients with metastatic breast cancer, providing new treatment options for patients in desperate conditions.
Source: Bio Valley
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