Introduction: After the beginning of autumn, it gradually entered the early autumn season. What are the health foods in the early autumn? Here's a look at six foods that are suitable for early autumn health.
What kind of food suitable for early autumn health to eat in the early autumn?
The first dish: lotus root
In the autumn season, it is the time when the market is fresh. At this time the weather is dry, eat some wolfberry, can play the role of nourishing yin and clear heat, moistening and quenching thirst, soothe the nerves. At the same time, the lotus root is warm and has the function of constricting blood vessels. Eating more can nourish the lungs and nourish blood. In addition to a large amount of carbohydrates, fresh wolfberry has a rich content of protein and various vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in dietary fiber, which is very useful for treating constipation and promoting the discharge of harmful substances.
The best way to eat: Seven-hole lotus root starch content is higher, less water, but not crispy, suitable for soup; nine-hole water content is high, crisp, juicy, salad or fry the most appropriate.
The first fruit: peanuts
The protein content of peanuts is up to about 26%, which is twice that of wheat; fat content is up to 40%, and unsaturated fatty acids account for more than 80%. The nutritional value is comparable to some animal foods such as eggs, milk, and meat.
The best way to eat fresh peanuts is to cook with shells. The cooked peanuts are not only easy to digest and absorb, but also the peanut shells and the inner red coat have a good health care effect.
The first supplement: yam
Yam contains amylase, polyphenol oxidase and other substances, is conducive to digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach; yam contains a lot of mucin, vitamins and trace elements, can effectively prevent blood lipids in the blood vessel wall precipitation, prevention of cardiovascular disease, have the effect of longevity. Chinese medicine also believes that eating yam in autumn has the effect of strengthening the spleen and benefiting the stomach, nourishing the kidney and benefiting the essence, and benefiting the lungs and relieving cough.
The best way to eat: Steaming, soup, and cooking. Steamed to eat, the minimum loss of nutrition.
The first drink: rice wine
Rice wine contains essential amino acids and high functional oligosaccharides, which can improve immunity and disease resistance. There are meridians, blood lines, warm spleen and stomach, moist skin, loose moisture and other therapeutic effects.
The best way to drink: warm drink yellow wine, warm stomach cold. Put hot water in the hot, preferably 35 °C -45 °C.
First meat: cuttlefish
Cuttlefish is delicious, nutritious, containing 13 grams of protein per one hundred grams, only 0.7 grams of fat, also contains carbohydrates and A, B vitamins and calcium, phosphorus, iron and other essential human substances, is a high protein and low fat Nourishing foods.
The best way to eat: braised, stir-fried, braised, stewed, marinated, souped, but to prevent Qiuzao, cuttlefish soup is more appropriate.
The first fruit: pear
Pears are fresh, juicy, sweet and sour. They are rich in vitamins and trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron, and iodine. They can ease Qiuzao and produce fluids and lungs.
The best way to eat: eating raw pears can significantly relieve the upper respiratory tract infection in patients with dry throat, itching, pain, dumbness, and constipation, urinary red and other symptoms; rock sugar steamed pears can nourish yin and lungs, cough expectorant, for the treatment of lung Hot coughs and sore throats work better.
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