Three major benefits of Brussels sprouts: anti-cancer anti-poisoning

Three effects of Brussels sprouts

Rich dietary fiber helps defecation

Half a cup of Brussels sprouts contains about 6 grams of carbohydrates, of which 2 grams is dietary fiber. Dietary fiber increases fecal volume and weight and helps stimulate bowel movements to detoxify. At the same time, it also helps lower cholesterol, prevent cardiovascular disease risk, and even prevent the second type of diabetes


Vitamin multiple health effects

Brussels sprouts contains 20 essential vitamins, including important vitamins A, B, C, and K, which help boost the body's immune function and reduce the chance of infection. It can even promote cell growth, protect cells from oxidative damage, and achieve anti-aging effects.

In addition, Brussels sprouts also contains carotenoids such as zeaxanthin and lutein, which can maintain vision in the eyes and benefit the developing children and the deteriorating elderly.

Vitamin K also inhibits calcium loss and prevents bone looseness. Vitamin K also acts as a clotting agent, allowing wounds to heal quickly and reduce blood-related problems such as inflammation or abnormal blood clotting. Brussels sprouts are also rich in minerals such as zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese, which help promote cell division, repair, and regeneration.

Sulfur glycoside anticancer antipoisoning

The American Cancer Society also pointed out that Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, and kale also belong to cruciferous vegetables. Research shows that cruciferous vegetables help reduce colorectal cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and bladder cancer.

Like other cruciferous vegetables, brussels sprouts are rich in sulfur glycosides and belong to isothiocyanates. They are natural insecticides in plants. Sulphur glycosides must be chewed and bioactive in the gut to become sulforaphane or genistein before they can initiate detoxifying enzymes in the body, kill cancer cells, and reduce poisoning, chronic diseases such as inflammation of the lungs, or pylori. Gastroenteritis caused by bacilli.

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