Antibiotic resistance or a critical point in 2017
December 22, 2016 Source: Science Network
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With the increase in antibiotic resistance, diseases such as gonorrhea and urinary tract infections become incurable, and this situation will become more severe as the world reaches a new critical point next year.
"We are about to go this step: farm animals around the world will consume more antibiotics than humans," said Mark Woolhouse of the University of Edinburgh in the UK.
This means more resistant bacteria that pose a major threat. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the livestock industry has always had the risk of using antibiotics, and this risk is now accepted.
For example, colistin is a drug that is used more in humans than in humans. It is currently the only antibiotic for some human infections, but colistin resistance has emerged and spread throughout the world in 2015. The European Medicines Agency says colistin bacterial resistance may be produced in livestock. In fact, some European countries can easily reduce their antibiotic use by 25 times.
The UN General Assembly called on countries to make the best use of antibiotics However, specific implementation strategies have not been advocated, such as the ban on the use of supplemental livestock growth agents rather than resistance to inflammation, which leads to drug resistance.
At least institutions such as FAO are calling for change, Woolhouse said. For example, in China, the increase in demand for meat has led to a simultaneous increase in livestock production and drug resistance. There is an urgent need to promote relevant developments to find ways to maintain animal health, especially in poor countries where meat production is growing fast and selectivity is low.
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