The hazard characteristics and control methods of red imported fire ants

Red fire ants are quarantine pests that have been introduced into China in recent years and have strong aggressive behaviors that can affect human health and reduce biodiversity in natural ecosystems.

I. Hazardous characteristics: It is obviously aggressive to humans and animals. It is mainly used to stab animals and humans with chelating needles. After the human body is bitten by it, there will be a burning pain, followed by a blistering blistering. Second, it has a serious impact on agriculture, livestock, wildlife, plants, and natural ecosystems. It also damages public facilities and electronic equipment.

Second, the transmission route: mainly with the horticultural plants, turf, soil, compost, and horticultural farming equipment, empty containers, vehicles and other transportation tools for long-distance transmission, but also with reproductive ants flying or natural diffusion with the water, but also can move the nest For short distances.

Third, prevention and control methods: 1, strict quarantine: strict restrictions on transporting waste, soil, farmyard manure, turf, hay, crop stalks, potted plants, earth-moving tools, equipment, etc., to prevent the red fire ant from spreading. 2. Controlling Habitat: Locally clean garbage, food residues and weeds in the breeding ground of red fire ants, and reduce the environment where red fire ants are suitable to occur. 3. Chemical prevention and control: Firstly sprinkle the bait on the active foraging area near the ant nest or pour the medicine on the ant nest. The effect is good with beta-cypermethrin, phoxim, and avermectin.

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