Eating these 15 kinds of foods will make you super fat sooner or later.

Canned fruit juice: 255 kcal (a can)

Many MMs choose to use juice instead of fruit, but this does not intake enough minerals and vitamins because many minerals and vitamins have been lost during the process of making fruit juice. The remaining vitamin C will also be reduced due to light. Most of the juice is concentrated and reduced, but also added a lot of sugar. So, if you think that drinking fruit juice is more nutritious and comes to a can every day, the high sugar content in the juice will allow you to increase the weight of 12 kg after one year.

Whole wheat soda cake: 506 kcal (100 g)

The soda crackers with a simple appearance are most often used as alternatives to afternoon tea for the hungry snacks. However, the soda crackers are not only simple in taste, but also have lower calories than other cookies. The soda crackers need to worry about is the relatively high oil content, the general soda crackers, the fat content of 30% to 50% range, the amount of fat content, but also about the heat of the soda crackers, tube market what kind of soda crackers The biscuit oil and sugar are relatively high and it is not recommended to eat too much.


Potato chips: 548 kcal (100 g)

The potato chips contained 54.40 calories, 49.20 grams of carbohydrates, 37.60 grams of fat, 7.50 grams of protein, and 4 grams of cellulose. Potato chips are considered to be unhealthy foods, and it is also at the time of our leisure and entertainment that we eat the most. The nutritional value of potato chips is low, contains a small amount of fat and energy, eat more to destroy appetite. The reason for this harm is that the potato chips contain high levels of salt. Eating potato chips will not only eat one piece. After satisfying taste, it will stop until one whole package is finished. This kind of heat increase can be imagined.

Ice cream: 127 kcal (100 grams)

Summer is the season when ice cream is prevalent, but the fat content and sugar content in ice cream are very high. For MM in weight loss, eating ice cream in the summer is undoubtedly a luxury. If you still want to dress under a small size, talk about ice cream bye bye!

Chocolate: 586 kcal (100 grams)

Chocolate is a high-calorie food, in which the fat content is quite high, but it does not contain cellulose that stimulates normal motility of the gastrointestinal tract, thus affecting the digestion and absorption functions of the gastrointestinal tract. But people who love to eat chocolate do not cause obesity by just adding proper exercise to maintain energy balance, so women who want to eat sweet chocolate should exercise more.

Ordinary Coke: 168 cards (one can)

In the summer, many people drink a jar after exercising. But do you know? A pot of 375ml cola contains 168cal of calories. If you drink a can a day, you will gain 8 kg a year. What's even more frightening is that drinking Coke will not only make you feel full, but Coke's heavy taste will also allow you to eat more food. Not just Coke, other sodas, sand, and so on.

Beer: 147 cards (a can)

In addition to calories, beer contains almost no nutrients, so it does nothing to help you besides gaining weight. If you want to taste beer, it's best to try it out. Don't get into the habit of drinking beer every day. Even don't drink beer before going to bed. Because beer has a diuretic effect, drinking before going to bed will cause a lot of The water accumulates in the body so that at night you will keep going to the toilet.

Hot dog sausage: 307 calories

The 100 g hot dog sausage contains 307.00 calories, 25.20 g of fat, and 13.20 g of protein. Most of the hot dog sausages are grilled or fried, which contains very high fat and fat, and after grilling or frying things have a certain damage to the human body, so lose weight MM have to pay more attention, try to eat less Or do not eat.

Photobiomodulation Helmet

infrared red light helmet 810nm Photobiomodulation benefits and photobiomodulation therapy near me

Photobiomodulation (PBM) describes the use of red or near-infrared light to stimulate, heal, regenerate, and protect tissue that has either been injured, is degenerating, or else is at risk of dying. One of the organ systems of the human body that is most necessary to life, and whose optimum functioning is most worried about by humankind in general, is the brain.

The brain suffers from many different disorders that can be classified into three broad groupings: traumatic events (stroke, traumatic brain injury, and global ischemia), degenerative diseases (dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's), and psychiatric disorders (depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress disorder).

In biological systems, there are various instances of light-induced photochemical reactions. Light interacts with photosensitive cells in our retinas called photoreceptors to give us vision. A photochemical reaction happens when light is absorbed by these cells, transforming light energy into electrical impulses that are delivered to the brain's visual processing areas. Another photochemical event is the creation of vitamin D in our skin. When the ultraviolet B (UVB) wavelength of sunlight contacts our skin, it transforms 7-dehydrocholesterol, a naturally occurring type of cholesterol, to vitamin D3. The harmful consequences of a lack of light on the human body are widely documented. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and vitamin D deficiency, which causes rickets, are two instances.

Photobiomodulation (PBM) is the word for the mechanistic/scientific foundation of this photonic speciality, while photobiomodulation treatment (PBMT) is the term for its therapeutic application. The initial version of PBMT was created in the 1960s. The early years of this nascent photonic application were marred by a slew of issues, including a lack of consistency in nomenclature. Biostimulation, Cold/Cool Laser, Low Level Laser Therapy, Soft Laser, and Low Power Laser Therapy were among the terminology introduced. PBM and PBMT are currently the terminology of choice, according to recent agreement in the profession.

PBMT was added to the National Library of Medicine MeSH database in 2015 as an entry term to the existing record of laser treatment, low-level, owing to Dr. Praveen Arany's work. In conclusion, PBM and PBMT are precise and explicit terminology for this crucial and effective therapeutic use of light.

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