Air pollution is the fourth leading cause of death in the world, killing 5.5 million people every year

Air pollution is the fourth leading cause of death in the world, killing 5.5 million people every year

September 14, 2016 Source: China News Network

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According to the report, indoor and outdoor air pollution has caused losses of more than $200 billion in working days to the global economy. And the world loses more than $5 trillion annually.
The main losses caused by air pollution are in developing economies such as Asia, which seriously hinder economic development. Developed countries also pay a high price for air pollution.
According to the report, India and Cambodia lost 8% of their respective GDP due to air pollution.
The data on which this research report is based is the 2013 data, which is the latest data available to researchers.
According to the report, approximately 5.5 million people worldwide have been killed by diseases caused by outdoor and indoor air pollution.
Air pollution has become the fourth leading cause of death in the world after smoking, diet and obesity. Air pollution usually causes cancer, heart, lung and respiratory diseases.

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