Drinking exceeds the standard for moderate drinking or general social drinking. Heavy alcohol consumption is often determined based on the amount of alcohol consumed (such as 3 standard cups per day) or the amount of alcohol consumed per day (eg, 5 standard cups, at least once a week).
Alcoholism not only harms oneself but also affects the family. Because of the bad temper and health disorders caused by alcoholism, all of them bring pain to themselves and their families.
Wine covers "alcohol abuse" and "alcohol dependence". In general, if a person excessively uses alcohol and fails to exercise self-control, leading to cognitive or behavioral, physical, social, or interpersonal problems or influences, and knowingly committing a crime, he cannot achieve control and achieves “alcohol abuseâ€. degree. If it gets worse, drinking is more important than anything else. It takes a lot of time or energy to drink or abstain from alcohol, or to have to drink to feel comfortable (psychological dependence), or to increase alcohol intake to achieve the desired effect (tolerance). Sex), or the production of alcohol withdrawal syndrome, reaches the level of "alcohol dependence."
Alcoholism is the culprit in causing, inducing, and exacerbating oxidative stress diseases such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia (such as triglycerides), and gout. For 97% of the population, alcohol is the primary social means – a leisurely way to relieve and avoid daily stress. It's not harmful, is it? What's more, you may have read that it is good for you to have a bit of hard liquor. But the benefits of alcohol are not as bragging. Of course, having a glass of red wine every night has been proven to be good for the heart, but if you have more than two glasses, then you start to destroy your liver, dehydrate the skin and kill the brain cells that are in short supply. This is what alcohol can do to the body:
Increase fat
Longer fat. The three glasses of wine and the potato chips/pizza/kebab that you eat on the way home will put 0.25 kilograms (1/2 pounds) of fat on your body. Because your body will first use up the unused calories (which are contained in alcohol) and then store the rest as fat.
Affect vision
Make your eyes blurred. Alcohol paralyzes your eye muscles, which means that your eyes cannot focus and you cannot calculate distances correctly. At the same time, it disturbs the normal operation of the brain's coordinating system, which means that it is easy for you to fall.
Alcohol is linked to osteoporosis (brittle bone disease) because alcoholism causes an accelerated loss of nutrients in the body, which means that your bones are losing. Bone fragility - slows down the activity of bone-grown cells in the body
Menstrual cycle
Women who drink heavily have a high likelihood of developing premenstrual symptoms because of the high sugar content of alcohol. This will disturb your blood sugar levels and take away the nutrients you used to fight the unpleasant symptoms.
Destroy skin
Alcohol may make you look older because alcoholism dehydrates you, skin loses its elasticity, it accelerates aging, more wrinkles, and basically makes you look like an old witch.
Increase pain
Alcohol is a sedative, which means that you begin to bring you to a near-perfect pink illusion of supreme fantasy, and then take you back to the present moment, followed by melancholy.
Hardened liver
Also known as cirrhosis, when liver cells die, liver tissue begins to harden and the liver gradually hardens. This is a direct result of long-term alcoholism. If you start boozing nearly every day from your twenty-first birthday, it is time to stop. Fortunately, the liver has a self-healing function, but only if you give it enough time to do so.
According to the human aging (oxidation) schedule, the liver should begin to age after age 70, but since alcoholism directly affects the liver, the longevity of those who drink alcohol will certainly be compromised. According to the theory of "Huang Di Nei Jing", the main liver system stores blood and booze every night (especially at 1:00 am to 3:00 am, when the ugly is the liver "on duty" time, it should be returned to the liver to filter blood). Drinking alcohol during the day is more harmful and the liver is oxidized faster. If it is when it comes to cirrhosis, the effects are already irreversible. Theoretically, only antioxidants such as Vitamin E, astaxanthin, and beta-carotene are used to protect the liver's "remaining cells" and extend their lives.
The harm of alcoholism
The harm of alcoholism
First, women are more likely to get drunk than men of the same weight, because our liver produces less enzymes than men. And the fat content of the female body is 10% higher than that of men (this is genetically inherited, so don't panic), and the water content is less than that of men, which means that we can't solve alcohol as easily as men. problem.
A large number of clinical trials have confirmed that alcohol in alcohol is the most direct and largest harm to the liver. It can make liver cells degeneration and necrosis, a large number of drinking, will kill a large number of liver cells, causing a sharp rise in transaminase; if you drink alcohol for a long time, it can easily lead to alcoholic fatty liver, alcoholic hepatitis, and even alcoholic cirrhosis. According to a research report released by the Shanghai Institute of Environmental Economics and Disaster Prevention Research Office, in the past 7 years, the number of patients suffering alcoholism caused by a large number of long-term drinking spirits rose by 28.5 times, and the death toll rose by 30.6 times.
Affect digestion
Drinking alcohol can cause stomach problems. Alcohol can irritate the digestive tract mucous membranes. Therefore, heavy drinking may cause a nauseous burning sensation in your chest and throat, making it difficult to swallow or cause nausea or acid reflux. Because alcohol causes inflammation or even ulcers inside the digestive tract. The effects of esophageal and gastric mucous membranes on the mucosa of the esophagus and stomach have a great influence on mucosal congestion, swelling and erosion, leading to esophagitis, gastritis, and ulcer disease. Alcohol is mainly metabolized in the liver and has a particularly large impact on the liver. The onset of liver cancer is directly related to long-term drinking. Studies have shown that, on average, 160 grams of liquor are consumed every day, and 75% of people have severe liver effects within 15 years. Acute cholecystitis and acute pancreatitis can also be induced.
High blood pressure
Drinking leads to increased blood viscosity. Causes cardiovascular disease and makes the possibility of a heart attack very high because alcohol increases the content of bad fat called triglyceride in the blood.
As long as you drink a little more than the minimum amount, even a limited number of cups after work may raise your blood pressure level. If you regularly drink a lot, your blood pressure level will remain high and will not improve until you are able to return to normal after you stop drinking.
Inducing stroke alcohol affects fat metabolism and increases blood cholesterol and triglycerides. A large amount of alcohol will increase the heart rate, increase the blood pressure, and easily induce stroke. Drinking alcohol for a long time will also make the heart become fatty degeneration, which will seriously affect the normal function of the heart.
Alcoholic psychosis When the concentration of alcohol in the blood reaches 0.1%, it will make people feel impulsive; when it reaches 0.2%~0.3%, it will cause people to behave abnormally; long-term alcohol abuse will lead to alcoholic psychosis.
Malnutrition Long-term alcohol abuse can also cause malnutrition in the body and cause multiple vitamin deficiencies. Because alcohol does not contain nutrients, regular drinkers will have decreased appetite, eating less, is bound to cause a lack of a variety of nutrients, especially vitamin B1. Vitamin B2. Vitamin B12 deficiency, but also affect the absorption of folic acid.
Affect sperm
Drinking leads to poisoning sperm and damaging the egg, making it difficult to fertilize.
Affect the fetus
Harmful harm to fetal females is more harmful. The study found that after the reliance on alcohol, women's brains shrink faster than men. Alcohol also has toxic side effects on sperm and eggs. Regardless of whether the father or mother is drunk, it can cause adverse consequences such as the developmental malformation and mental retardation of the next generation. Pregnant women drink, alcohol can enter the fetus through the placenta directly poison the fetus, affecting its normal growth and development. The average number of abortions in households where husbands are often drunk is much higher than other families.
Influencing intelligence
The principle of alcoholism is known to everyone, but the influence of alcohol on the brain rarely causes the attention of the "brewmasters." Why does heavy drinking hurt the brain and lead to dementia? The reason why alcohol affects healthy brain tissue is that ethanol can be absorbed directly into the blood through the gastric mucosa and quickly enters the brain through the blood-brain barrier. Alcohol is a neurotropic substance that has a neurotoxic effect and can directly kill brain cells, causing them to dissolve, disappear, and diminish. The rate of brain cell death of long-term drinkers will accelerate more rapidly, and brain atrophy will become more and more serious. With the decrease of cerebral blood flow, the rate of glucose metabolism in the brain and the activity of nerve cells in the brain are all reduced, and brain function will decline.
Harm the Society
Alcoholism is also a great danger to society because alcoholism is a pathological or abnormal behavior that can constitute a serious social problem. Alcoholics often use alcoholism as an important way and means to vent their strong psychological potential caused by inner conflicts and psychological conflicts. Alcoholics often use alcohol to eliminate troubles and reduce psychological feelings such as emptiness, timidity, guilt, and failure. If the entire society turns a blind eye to the phenomenon of alcoholism and does not take effective measures to persuade them, the drunks may endanger public security and allow us to experience divorce after stealing, killing, and domestic violence. This is not sensational. Up to 4 million cases are filed each year in China due to alcohol abuse. Each year, 100,000 people in the country die in traffic accidents, and more than one-third of traffic accidents are related to alcoholism and drunk driving.
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin, an organic compound whose chemical formula is C20H30O. It is stable to heat, acid, and alkali, and is easily oxidized. Ultraviolet rays can promote its oxidative damage. Vitamin A includes A1 and A2, and A1 is retinol. Vitamin A2 is 3-dehydroretinol, and its physiological activity is 40% of that of vitamin A1. [1]
Vitamin A has a variety of physiological functions such as promoting growth, reproduction, maintaining normal secretion of bones, epithelial tissue, vision and mucosal epithelium, and vitamin A and its analogs have the effect of preventing precancerous lesions. Deficiency manifests as growth retardation, impaired dark adaptation and night blindness. Dry eye disease occurs due to dryness, desquamation, hyperkeratosis, and decreased secretion of lacrimal glands of epidermal and mucosal epithelial cells. In severe cases, corneal softening, perforation and blindness occur. Respiratory epithelial cells become keratinized and lose their cilia, making them less resistant to infection. The recommended intake of vitamin A (RNI) for adults in my country is 800 μg retinol activity equivalent per day for men and 700 μg retinol activity equivalent per day for women. [2] Foods rich in vitamin A include liver, egg yolk, and milk powder of poultry and livestock. Carotene can be converted into vitamin A in the mucosa of the small intestine, red-yellow and dark green vegetables. Fruits contain more carotene.
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