What do women want to eat in cold recipes? Don't miss these recipes

Many female friends have the problem of chills and chills. This is related to the individual's constitution. Therefore, a cold female friend may try to use a therapeutic approach to nurse it. Then what is a woman's fear of cold eating?

Scarlet fish

Ingredients: amount of safflower, amount of bulky fish, amount of grapefruit juice, salt, wine, and starch, 1 tofu, a little boiling water, 1 bowl of chicken soup, and a proper amount of starch.

Practices: 1. Evenly spread grapefruit juice, salt, and wine on the bullhead fish.

2, tofu cut into scallions, green onions cut well.

3, safflower into the tea filter, rinse with water, into a glass of boiling water.

4, remove the water vapor of the fish, coated with starch, with a small amount of oil to the surface of the fried noodles yellow, arranged in a pot.

5, the white bean curd dissolved in chicken soup, together with the soaked safflower juice added to the fish, boil and then change the small fire, then add tofu, onion, quietly cook, add starch, tune into a paste.

Beef porridge with shrimp

Ingredients: amount of ginger, amount of parsley, amount of rice, chopped green onion and garlic, 20 g of shrimp, oil, water, salt, lean beef slices, and ginger silk.

Practice: 1, dry shrimp peeled after washing, and then chopped.

2. Add oil to deep pot, fry ginger, chopped green onion, minced garlic, and shrimp, stir-fry the flavor, then add rice to stir-fry. Add boiling water for about an hour and boil.

3, season with salt, add the beef slices cooked and turn off the heat, put the rice into a bowl, according to the preference to add ginger, diced green onion and parsley.

Saffron Beef Meatballs

Materials: Appropriate amount of safflower, 400 grams of beef, light blue, wine, soy sauce, eggs, bread flour, soup, granulated sugar, and starch.

Practice: 1, saffron into the tea filter rinse, soaked in hot water.

2, beef, light blue mixed, safflower remove water, with the seasonings were added to the beef, then mixed with eggs, bread flour, made of balls, fried with oil.

3, in the soup by adding the right amount of seasoning, the ball soup can be cooked.

Safflower rice

Materials: Amount of safflower, 3 cups of wine, 3 cups of rice, scallops, burdock, carrots, dried mushrooms, kelp juice, salt, and soy sauce.

Practice: 1, safflower into the tea filter, rinse with water, soaked in wine.

2. After the rice is cleaned, it is served in a bamboo tray and steamed.

3. Wash the sea hulls, peel them, cut into scallops, and sprinkle them with wine.

4, burdock into the bamboo basket, with vinegar blisters, remove floating foam, carrots cut into small pieces.

5. Put the shrimp, burdock, carrots and rice in a steamer and steam them together.

Golden needle fan soup

Materials: Appropriate amount of yams, dried mushrooms, vermicelli, chicken, chopped green onion, ginger, soup, soy sauce and liqueur.

Do not: 1. Soak day lily in warm water for 30 minutes, remove, cook with boiling water for 2-3 minutes, remove water and hard stuff.

2, dry mushrooms washed, soaked in warm water, soft and remove.

3, fans are also soaked in warm water, soften out, cut into sections.

4, yam and chicken cut into strips.

5. Add oil to the pot, add chopped green onion and ginger, stir-fry the scent, add mushrooms, chicken, and then add all the materials to the mix, add soy sauce, sweet wine, soup, and cook for 4-5 minutes.

Cake Blister Tray

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