Recently, a farmer in Zunhua asked about the prevention and treatment methods for the brown rot and canker disease in Peach Blossoms, which are described below.
First, brown rot
1 symptoms
Fruits can develop from young fruit stage, mature stage to storage and transportation period, but they are heavier and more serious in late growth and storage and transportation. After the fruit became infected, small brown spots began to appear on the fruit surface, and then quickly expanded into large round brown spots, the pulp was light brown, and quickly rotted through the entire fruit. In addition to a few shedding of rotten fruit, most of them shrink into dark, stale fruit, and do not fall for a long time. The onset of young leaves often begins at the margin of the leaf, and at the beginning, it is a dark brown spot. It quickly spreads to the petioles. The diseased leaves often have a gray mold layer and are not easy to fall off. The incidence of branch shoots is mostly diseased pedicels, and hyphae in diseased leaves and diseased fruits are caused by downward spread, gradually forming long-circle ulcer spots. When the lesion spreads around the branches for a week, the branches die.
2. The law of incidence
The pathogenic winters in the diseased and stiff branches of the disease. In late spring, it spreads through rain, insects, and invades through stomata, lenticels, and wounds, causing initial infection. Under suitable conditions, a large number of conidia are produced on the surface of diseased fruits, causing re-infestation. During transportation and storage period, diseases and healthy fruits are contagious, causing the rot of the healthy peaches. Rainy, foggy and humid climates are conducive to disease. Poorly managed, low-lying, poorly ventilated and light orchard suffers. After the fruit matures, the harder varieties of the flesh have strong disease resistance, and the soft, juicy and thin skin varieties are susceptible to disease.
3. Control methods
1 In conjunction with the winter shears, the diseased branches, diseased leaves, and dead fruits under the trees were completely removed and burned. In winter, the tree plate is deeply plunged and the bacteria are buried underground. Strengthen the management of orchards, improve summer cuts, and provide air and light.
2 timely prevention and control of stink bugs, borer pests, peach aphid and other pests, reduce wounds, in order to reduce the chance of invasion of bacteria.
3 Chemical control: Spray 5 Baume degrees lime sulfur before germination, before and after spraying, spray 70% thiophanate-methyl or 50% acetaminophen wettable powder 1000 times, which can effectively control young fruit infection. 30 days before harvesting, spray 70% mancozeb 600 to 800 times, 70% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 800 times or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 to 800 times, every 10 to 15 Spray once a day, even spray 2-3 times. In addition, try to avoid wounds during harvesting and transportation to reduce the infection of pathogens during storage.
Second, ulcer disease
1 symptoms
When the lesions appeared, the bark rose slightly and then became swollen. It was soft and elastic with the fingers. Cortical tissue is reddish-brown, with colloidal appearance and distiller's grain taste. Later, the lesions shrink and sag. Finally, the entire large branch is clearly recessed into a ditch, which severely weakens the tree vigor.
2. The law of incidence
The mycelia and conidia are used for wintering in branches and branches, and conidia are transmitted by wind and rain and insects from March to April of the following year. They penetrate through wounds and lenticels. The flow of glue occurred in the affected area, which can occur from early spring to late autumn. The disease is most severe from April to June. Rainy days or dense fog and wet weather are easy to infect. Tree weakness, wounds, and high-risk trees are easy to infect. Excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer and poor drainage are all conducive to disease.
3. Control methods
1 Strengthen cultivation and management, improve site conditions, deepen the soil, and promote root development. Increase organic fertilizers to avoid partial nitrogen fertilizers and increase tree vigor.
2 Reasonable pruning and thinning and fruit thinning, control the results. Prevent insect pests in time, and paint trunks in autumn to prevent freezing damage. In winter, dead branches and diseased branches are removed in a timely manner, and they are burned out of the park to reduce the sources of overwintering bacteria.
3 spray protection. Before germination in late autumn or early spring, the whole tree will be sprayed with 5% of the bacteriostatic agent or 100 times of rot will be cleared to remove the latent pathogenic bacteria on the tree.
4 scratch cure lesions. In the early spring or late autumn, the rot disease that has occurred in the trees is completely wiped out and burned out of the garden. Then, the wound protection agent is applied, such as bactericidal agent, rot-biqing, and 843 rehabilitation agents. Apply once to promote wound healing. Http://Content/5770c7c9-8189-4228-9fce-a06286054812?cType=2
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