In summer, mung bean soup is a must-have for summer heat, so would you eat mung bean soup in the summer? Mung bean soup is loved by many people, and then we have a good look at eating mung bean soup in summer? What harm it? The following Xiaobian take you one by one to understand!
Do you eat mung bean soup in summer?
1, can clear away heat and relieve summer heat
Mung bean cool, sweet, hot summer drink more mung bean soup is conducive to hot weather. If you want to use mung bean soup to prevent heat stroke, you can cook green bean water directly, or boiled with honeysuckle, and drink properly every day can play a role in heatstroke.
2, to promote appetite
From the hot climate of the sky, it is easy to have a problem of loss of appetite in summer, and mung beans are rich in protein, phospholipids and other elements can not only supplement the nutrients the body needs, but also can play an exciting role. Promote appetite.
3, remove toxins from the body
Mung bean itself has the role of mung bean, and at the same time clinically indicates that mung bean contains anti-allergic ingredients, so drinking mung bean soup in summer can play a role in preventing high-risk skin disease urticaria in summer. Promote physical health.
4, protect cardiovascular health
It is well-known that the polysaccharide contained in mung bean has the effect of enhancing the activity of serum lipoprotein, so it can also play a role in promoting blood-lipid balance, thereby protecting cardiovascular health. In addition, this globulin and polysaccharide can also promote the decomposition of cholesterol in animals, so it can reduce the body's absorption of cholesterol, and thus play a role in preventing the three high, a combination of both, can greatly reduce the summer high temperature burst Angina, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and other heart disease incidence.
5, reduce radiation
For the computer family, daily drink more mung bean soup can also play a role in anti-radiation, can reduce the harm of radiation on the human body.
Precautions for eating green bean soup in summer
1, without wok boiled green bean soup
When cooking green bean soup, it is not appropriate to use a wok. Most active ingredients of mung bean are in mung bean skin. After the action of flavonoids and metal ions in mung bean skin, darker complexes may be formed, making the color of mung bean soup black, and it will cause gastrointestinal discomfort and indigestion after eating. . Therefore, it is ideal to cook green bean soup with a casserole.
2, do not add alkali when boiled green bean soup
Mung bean is rich in Vitamin B, which is an important part of the mung bean's hot weather and can compensate for the loss of nutrients during sweating. The base can severely damage vitamin B. At the same time, the antioxidant component of flavonoids in mung bean is also lost due to the addition of alkali, resulting in structural changes and the color turning yellow. Therefore, it is best not to add alkali to boiled mung bean soup. If you want to make the soup more sticky, consider adding a small amount of oatmeal or glutinous rice to “thicken†it.
3, mung bean soup can not drink every day
Mung bean soup is suitable for proper drinking. Normally adults drink 2 to 3 times a week, each time a bowl can be. Toddlers should be determined according to their constitution. It is best to consult with a doctor first because mungbean contains more protein than chicken. Macromolecule proteins need to be converted into small peptides and amino acids in order to be absorbed by the body. The gastrointestinal digestive function of young children is relatively poor, it is difficult to digest mung bean protein in a short time, and it is easy to cause diarrhea due to indigestion. In general, when children start eating porridge when they are 2 to 3 years old, they can add some green beans. After 6 years old, adults can drink.
4, can not drink green beans soup on an empty stomach
From the perspective of Chinese medicine, mung bean is more cold and cold, and it is easy to damage the spleen and stomach by drinking on an empty stomach. People with cold constitutions will have cold limbs, weak limbs, cold pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, and eating mung beans will aggravate the symptoms and even cause joint muscle soreness, cold stomach and spleen and stomach caused by diarrhea and blood stagnation. Weakness caused by chronic gastritis and other digestive diseases.
Tips for cooking green bean soup in summer
1, when the soup is best covered with a lid, mung bean skin contains a large number of polyphenols, as long as they contact oxygen, it is very easy to oxidize into quinones, and continue to polymerize into darker material. Therefore, the lid should be covered in the mung bean soup, to minimize the contact area of ​​mung beans and oxygen, to avoid oxidation.
2, with pure water, not easy to change color. The Food Nutrition Research Office of China Agricultural University used tap water, mineral water, purified water, and distilled water to dip mung bean soup. The results showed that the color of mung bean soup made from different water quality was different. Distilled water is the greenest color and it does not change for a long time. Followed by pure water and mineral water. Tap water, the color of mung bean soup, changed the fastest, and became dark almost every minute after contact with air. It quickly turned red. Therefore, it is best to use pure water when cooking green bean soup.
3, a few drops of lemon juice to help green bean soup keep green. Studies have found that pH can also greatly affect the discoloration of soups. The tap water in the north is alkaline water, and the discoloration is very fast after mash mung bean soup. After pouring out the mung bean soup, obvious color changes can be seen within two minutes. However, after the addition of vinegar or lemon juice in tap water, the color of the mung bean soup brewed out changes little. Therefore, if you use tap water to boil green bean soup, you can add half a scoop of white vinegar to the water, or squeeze a few drops of lemon juice, but be careful not to add too much, otherwise the soup will become sour, affecting the taste.
4, put in boiling water, cook for 8 minutes. The method of boiling green bean soup is to boil water first, then add green beans, continue to simmer for 8~10 minutes and then pour mung bean soup. Because the color of the soup is aquamarine at this time, the dissolved substance is mainly the active ingredient in the skin, and the oxidation degree is the lowest, and the heat-removing ability is the strongest. After pouring out the soup, the remaining beans can continue to boil green bean paste, or increase the amount of rice boiled into mung bean porridge.
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