Pig breeding techniques

The pigeons are delicate in meat, high in protein and low in fat, rich in mineral elements, and balanced in amino acids. They are easily digested and absorbed by the human body. Folks are said to have “one pigeon wins nine chickens” and have a strong nourishing effect. They are rare food delicacies. The cost-effectiveness of artificial breeding of pigeons is a good project for farmers to make a fortune. Therefore, this issue introduces a group of pigeon artificial breeding techniques for farmers' reference.

Introduction to Science

Introduction should adhere to the principle of near-purchase cost-effectiveness. The quality, price, and structure of good breeders should be introduced in batches, gradually expanding and optimizing the scale structure. The excellent breeders should be large, healthy, with pure hair color, good adaptability, fast growth and strong reproduction. The breeding season of breeders can reach 5 years, and the peak period is 3 years. The number of excellent breeding pigeons is up to 18 (6~9 nests) in a year, and the lowest is 12 eggs. Because of different nutritional levels, the egg production rate, fertilization rate, and hatching rate of breeders are also different. When breeding, select breeders with outstanding breed characteristics, harmonious male-female pairing, and young and vigorous breeders. Do not try to introduce young pigeons that are not sexually mature and haven’t paired with males and females. Some young pigeons are actually one month old and need to be raised for another five months before they can be paired and opened. This is economically uneconomical and quality is not guaranteed. You can't just look at the "middle view". The kind of pigeon that seems to be a big grown-up pigeon is actually a young breeder who is old and is in decline and whose fertility is about to be eliminated.

In order to avoid a large difference between large and small individuals in a litter of pigeons, the method of shifting position balance should be adopted. That is, before the pigeons stand 6 to 7 days old, the same litter of 2 pigeons is swapped once every 2 to 3 days in order to get balanced care of the breeding pigeons.

When there is only one death in the midst of a nest of only one pigeon or one pair of pigeons, it should be merged into other single or double nests of the same or similar age. This can avoid the phenomenon of food accumulation in the sac when only one squab is left over by the pigeons. When the stalks are nested, it is necessary to observe whether the relatives have refused to feed and beat the newly incorporated pigeons.

Daily management

Timely with a foot ring numbering the pigeons with an ankle ring, making the time of birth and distinguishing the sister pigeons.

Temperature suitable for newborn pigeon feathers is very short, poor body temperature regulation, summer heatstroke to prevent heat, when the temperature is higher than 26 °C, we must do a good job of heatstroke prevention.

The environment of the nest house should be kept clean and dry, and the nest basins and beddings that are contaminated or damp by the faeces should be promptly replaced, and they should be disinfected regularly to cause the immune disease to occur.

In order to avoid indigestion of the pigeons, to ensure the health of the pigeons and to increase the weight of the pigeons, the sands should be placed on the sand every day to supplement trace elements and vitamins.

Feeding some of the parent birds online will re-produce the eggs when the pigeons grow to about 15 days. At this time, the pigeons can be placed on the web to raise them. Some of these pigeons will continue to feed pigeons, while others will not feed them. Unintentional feeding or feeding is not timely to carry out artificial feeding or nurse-seeking pigeons.

Time to market according to market needs, generally 20 to 25 days of age can be listed (or acquired), according to practice 23 days of age listed on the meat than the most cost-effective, breeding pigeons must be about 30 days of age, the pigeon can live independently Only when you can catch the pigeons.

Disease prevention and control

The pigeons grow to 7 to 9 days of age, and the pro-pigeon pigeons are fed from the whole slurry to feed the whole pellets. At this point the pigeons are still not well adapted to pellets, and often there is indigestion and ecchymosis. For indigestible pigeons, one can feed half a day of yeast tablets, one to two tablets of health sand, and prevent the following illnesses in time.

Pigeon pox mostly occurs on the eyes of sick pigeons, on the corners of the mouth, on the skin of the feet, on the anus, and on less hairy skin. It begins to appear gray and gradually turns into a brown scab, which usually takes two weeks to dry off. It also occurs in the throat of sick pigeons and becomes diphtheria type. Currently there is no specific drug, the affected area rubbed with iodine or sulfur ointment has a certain effect. Diphtheria type can use tweezers gently pinch off, coated with iodine glycerol (iodine, glycerol ratio of 1:2). Keeping the loft dry, sanitary and free from mosquitoes can prevent this disease from happening.

Paratyphoid pigeons showed anorexia, do not love activities, often stand alone, mentally depressed, eyelid edema, bow, eyes closed, was in a state of sleep, nasal tumors lose their original color, pull green dilute feces. Acute death within 2 to 3 days, chronic diarrhea, chronic weight loss, joint swelling. The concentration of 0.15% iodide aqueous solution for drinking pigeons, feeding 4 days to stop 2 days, and then repeat once, generally more; or diarrhea phlegm dissolved in water, the concentration of 0.01% to 0.02%, and even drink for a few days; Oral administration of chlortetracycline (or chloramphenicol) 15mg per day, divided into 2 doses, once every 3 days, has a certain effect.

Pigs suffering from fowl cholera manifested as atrophic, with eyes closed, necks down, hairs loose, not eating, lying on the corner, body heat, frequent drinking water, swollen crops, yellow mucus, flushing of the eye's conjunctiva, white feces Or green, dead within 2~3 days. Can be served streptomycin, each 50 ~ 100 mg each, once every 2 to 3 days; with 20% sulfadiazine sodium, each 1 ml of chest muscle injection, 2 times a day, once every 2 to 3 days.

Pigeon gastroenteritis disease pigeons showed loose feathers, loss of appetite, and diarrhea. If fecal bloody diarrhea, the condition is already quite serious. For pigeons suffering from gastroenteritis, it is necessary to stop feeding corn and pea hard food. It is best to soak wheat with water and feed it to help digestion. At the same time, the sick pigeons were given sulfamethoxazole tablets at a dose of 1/8 to 1/4 tablet per serving and 4 times daily.

Feed Management

Parent pigeon feeding

Pigeons indicate that pigeons that have been hatched within one month before the shells are sold or left for breeding are in the eyes of the young pigeons. The eyes of the young pigeons that have just hatched can't open, they can't walk or eat freely, and they can only rely on the breeding of the pigeons to survive. Both regulation and disease resistance are very poor. It is a dangerous period for growth and requires a lot of nutrients to survive. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on the feeding of the pro pigeons. It is necessary to supply nutritious feeds to the pro pigeons, especially to increase protein feeds and increase the number of feedings. If the pigeons are out of the shell for 5-6 hours and the breeding pigeons are still not feeding, check to find out why: if the pigeons are sick, besides the isolation treatment, the pigeons should be transferred out of the nest; if it is The first brooding of the pigeons will not be fed and artificial feeding should be induced. That is, the mouth of the newborn pigeon is gently placed in the mouth of the breeding pigeon and after several inductions, the breeding pigeons are fed.

Feed preparation

When the pigeons are 1 to 3 days old, freshly disinfected milk, glucose, vitamin B10 water and digestive enzymes can be used to formulate a full-thick feed. At 4 to 6 days of age, fresh milk or milk powder can be used to add cooked egg yolk and glucose. , multivitamins and digestive enzymes, etc., formulated into a full-thick feed; 7 to 10 days old, can be added rice flour, glucose, milk powder, flour, peas, protein digestive enzymes and yeast tablets in porridge, made semi-thick Liquid feed feed.

11 to 14 days of age, with rice porridge, soy flour, glucose, oatmeal, milk powder, and yeast tablets mixed into liquid quality feed; 15 to 20 days old corn, sorghum, wheat, peas, mung beans, beans and other grinding After adding milk powder and yeast tablets, they are mixed into semi-liquid feed; at the age of 20 to 30 days, the above raw materials can be used as larger pellets, and then boiled with boiled water to form a slurry feed; after 30 days of age, corn can be placed. The sorghum, peas and other raw materials allow the pigeons to feed slowly. After 1 to 3 days, the pigeons will feed on their own needs.

Artificial feeding

The young pigeons hatched from the hatcher and artificially fed with synthetic feeds increase their feed nutritional costs by 20% to 30%. With careful management, the pigeons grow faster than the natural brooding. Eggs are laid for 20 days, which improves the production performance of the pro-pigeon and increases the economic income. The feed prepared at the age of the pigeon is weighed out and poured into pots and soaked in boiling water for 30-60 minutes.

Freshly hatched pigeons have a low food intake and are difficult to feed manually. It is best to operate by two people, one person to catch a pigeon, one person to slowly insert the syringe into the esophagus, the action should be light, to prevent the hose inserted into the trachea to injure the esophagus, and also to prevent the esophagus from swelling and indigestion due to too much feeding. The artificial feeder for 1~3 days old pigeon can use a 20 ml syringe, go to the needle and put on the soft rubber hose of the small hole. Do not feed too much each time, feed 4 times a day (ie 8:00, 11:00, 16:00, 21:00).

The 4~6 days old pigeons can be fed with small buckets or feeders, pour the prepared milk into the bucket, hang it on top of the pigeons, make the milk flow into the hose, open the hose clamps after the hose is inserted into the esophagus, and let the milk Automatically flows into the dove sac. Clips can be used to control the amount of material flow to prevent too much. Feed 4 times a day, the same time as 1 to 3 days old pigeons.

After 7 days of age, the pigeon can be fed with a suitable feeder. The soaked preparation can be poured into the feeding funnel, the hose can be inserted into the esophagus of the pigeon, and the right foot pedal can be used to switch the feed. Into the sac, how much can be fed by the foot switch control, every time you step on the foot switch, you fill in the pigeons once. When you are skilled, you can feed about 500 pigeons per hour and feed 3 times a day at 8:00, 15:00, and 21:00. Don't feed too much each time to avoid indigestion.

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