Successful new European research "tracking" can lead to Alzheimer's disease brain cell particles

Successful new European research "tracking" can lead to Alzheimer's disease brain cell particles

September 28, 2018 Source: World Wide Web

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According to the Australian newspaper reported on September 25, scientists claim that they have found a breakthrough method to deal with the toxic substances that cause Alzheimer's disease. The research paper was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Researchers at the University of Cambridge in the UK and Lund University in Sweden have created a research strategy to “track” particles that can destroy healthy brain cells. This strategy has brought new hope to the development of new drugs for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

Professor Michele Vendruscolo is one of the principals of this international study, and he described the study as "the first in the world." He said: "This is the first time to use a systematic approach to track the cause of Alzheimer's disease."

"Until recently, scientists have not been able to agree on the cause of Alzheimer's disease, so we have not yet determined the specific operational targets of the treatment plan." Professor Michel Wendruskoro said, "Alz The pathogen of Haimo's disease is reflected in a small piece of protein called oligomers, and we have been able to develop a way to deal with these toxic substances."

Professor Christopher Dobson of the University of Cambridge said: "This interdisciplinary study shows that we can not only detect toxic oligomeric compounds that cause neurodegenerative diseases, but also rationally enhance their effectiveness. Now, we can design molecules that can have specific effects at different stages of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and are expected to be converted into drugs for clinical treatment." (Internship Compilation: Xu Linjia Review: Tan Liya)

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