Cucumber greenhouses are grown in many places in China, but many farmers have reported that there are dead trees in the greenhouses. What is going on? The following small series introduces the reasons and prevention measures of the dead cucumber.
The cause of cucumber death: lack of nutrition
1. The cucumber grows fast in the hot season. Many farmers and farmers have a long-term unilateral pursuit of yielding too much melon, and the photosynthesis products of plants cannot meet the needs of cucumber growth;
2, insufficient light (such as: shade net covered all day), photosynthesis is weak, plant organic nutrition is insufficient;
The above-ground parts of undernourished plants are characterized by premature aging and melon topping. Insufficient organic nutrients in the roots cause the roots to grow slowly and have less roots;
Causes of dead cucumbers: poor soil permeability
Soil venting is a necessary condition for the growth of cucumber roots. In the summer cultivation, many farmers over-watering, the soil is insufficient in oxygen, and the roots can not perform normal respiration, which leads to dead roots, especially soil-heavy greenhouses. The situation is exceptionally serious.
Causes and control measures of dead cucumber
Cucumber death cause three: watering is too large
If the amount of one-time watering is too large, the ground temperature will drop, and the root oxygen demand will be insufficient to produce roots, which is the main cause of dead cucumber.
Causes of dead cucumbers: According to tests, the lower pH value of soil is also a cause of dead cucumbers. For example, soil acidity and alkalinity in some areas is only about 5.8. The main reasons for soil acidification are: 1 consumption of potassium and trace elements in soil Excessive, the soil develops in the direction of acidification. 2 long-term excessive use of chemical fertilizers.
Causes of Cucumber Death: Five years of heavy sputum caused high levels of soil pathogens, uneven nutrient content, and easily induced a variety of diseases such as crop root rot.
Causes of dead cucumbers: The suitable temperature for root growth is 20-25 °C, while the temperature in most summers is above 30 °C. This high temperature environment is not conducive to the aging of cucumber roots.
The reason for the death of cucumber seven: due to the recent good price of cucumber, vegetable farmers have a lot of topdressing, in order to increase production, but this will lead to a large accumulation of soil salinity.
Causes and control measures of dead cucumber
In addition, the farmers' friends did not understand the fertilizer characteristics of the crops. The proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the actual applied fertilizers was extremely uncoordinated, which also caused the accumulation of salt in the soil.
Therefore, stem base contraction caused by excessive salt accumulation in the soil is also an important factor causing dead trees. The dead tree caused by salt damage shows that there is no disease at the root of the crop, but the part close to the soil is dry and contracted, resulting in the poor supply of nutrients in the aboveground plants and death.
Cause of death of cucumber, root rot:
1 Cucumber (Fusarium solani) root rot: This is a common root rot. It mainly infects the main root and stem, and is initially water-soaked, and then rotted. The vascular bundle of the diseased part is brown, showing a filamentous vascular bundle. At the early noon, the leaves are wilting, and it can recover in the morning and evening, and it will die in severe cases.
Causes and control measures of dead cucumber
2 grafted cucumber Pseudomonas sp. root rot: the disease is a common type of grafting cucumber. Generally, the seedling development is normal. After entering the melon period, the disease begins. The initial leaves lose their vitality. They are wilting at noon on sunny days, returning to the original state on cloudy days or sooner or later, and they die after a few days. It is observed that the base of the stem of the black squash is atrophied and softened, but it does not rot. The vascular bundle does not change color when it is opened, which is second to the Fusarium rot and Fusarium wilt.
The above two root diseases are soil-borne diseases. The pathogens remain in the soil or on the diseased bodies. They spread with the running water and invade from the roots and wounds. The high humidity is good for the disease, and the continuous cropping ground, low-lying land, clay ground and ground wet weight .
Causes of dead cucumbers 9. Due to the damage of root-knot nematodes, the roots form a tumor, which leads to dead trees. Causes the roots to form a tumor, which leads to dead trees.
Correct preventive measures for cucumber dead trees:
1. Properly keep the melon balanced plant nutrition. For large cucumbers, it is recommended to leave 1 melon for 2-3 leaves. For cucumbers, it is recommended to leave 2 leaves or 3 leaves for 2 melons.
2. It is recommended to shave every day from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm (depending on the temperature and weather conditions of the day) to avoid shading all day.
3. Small water pouring, that is, avoiding the shortage of water and causing high temperature and drought damage, and timely ventilation in the soil to ensure normal respiration of the roots.
Causes and control measures of dead cucumber
4. Apply root water soluble fertilizer, especially to improve the soil, promote the growth of capillary roots, root water soluble fertilizer, such as 10,000 roots, water, soluble fertilizer, etc.
5. Pick up the mulch on the side of the cucumber root, carry out the wetting and dispersing, enhance the permeability of the soil, and promote the growth of the cucumber roots, so as to alleviate the roots produced by excessive watering, but be sure not to hurt when scribing Root system.
6. For the dead roots caused by excessive fertilization, the vegetable farmers should reduce the amount of fertilizer used. It is better to use water-soluble water-soluble fertilizer in the future, and use 6-10 kg per acre.
After reading the above introduction, we will find that there are many reasons for causing dead cucumbers. Therefore, we must control according to the actual situation, so that the medicine can be removed.
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