Beans are common vegetables, and many people in rural areas will plant beans in their own gardens. Many people grow vegetables, generally do not plant one kind, they are all kinds of vegetables planted together, but some vegetables are suitable for planting together, some are not suitable, then you know which beans can be planted with beans? Let's come together Understand.
Which vegetables can the beans be planted with?
1, other kinds of beans
There are many kinds of beans, such as cowpea, cowpea, green beans, bean beans, etc., they can all be mixed together. In general, many people in the countryside will grow cowpeas and cowpeas. Whether it is cowpea or cowpea, the time and management of planting are roughly the same. In the later stage, they should also be framed, so they will be planted together. No matter what kind of beans, almost all can be planted together.
2, eggplant
Eggplant is very common in farms. Hot summer is the prosperous period of beans and eggplant. The most common way of planting eggplant and beans is a ridge of eggplant and a ridge of beans. The beans are climbing plants, which are necessary after the beans have reached a certain height. Scaffolding, if the beans are all planted together, it is easy to make the bean racks poorly ventilated, so people will separate the beans from the beans, which can enhance the ventilation and permeability of the beans, and will not affect the growth of the eggplant.
3, tomatoes
Tomatoes are common vegetables in the countryside. Many people have their own plants. In summer, many people use tomatoes to cook kidney beans. It is a meal. Usually the beans are planted first, then the tomatoes have to wait until the weather is warmer to buy tomato seedlings directly, sometimes there is a lack of seedlings, and some people will buy the eggplant seedlings in the beans lacking seedlings.
4, cucumber
Cucumbers, like beans, are vegetables that are framed. Many people plant beans and cucumbers together for convenience. Cucumbers and beans are growing seasons in summer, and they have a large demand for water and fertilizer. Therefore, they are planted together. In addition to the convenience of the racking, watering and topdressing is also very convenient.
In fact, the general beans can be planted with other vegetables, such as peppers, spinach, etc. can also be planted with beans, but also corn, I believe many people should have seen beans planted in the cornfield, if you like to eat beans, everyone May plant it, but vegetables with high nutritional value.
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