B cell traction provides new ideas for immune regulation research

B cell traction provides new ideas for immune regulation research

August 17, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily

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B lymphocytes play an important role in maintaining human health in the process of participating in antibody immune response. Its immune activation process is initiated after its surface receptor (BCR) recognizes a foreign pathogen antigen. Researchers such as Liu Wanli of Tsinghua University improved the traditional traction microscopy technique based on the characteristics of B cells. Combined with the confocal live cell imaging system, the temporal and spatial dynamic characteristics and molecular mechanisms of B cell production traction were explored. Based on the difference in peripheral blood B cell traction between rheumatoid arthritis patients and healthy controls, this study systematically explored the traction-related regulatory mechanisms, providing new ideas for the study of immune activation and immune regulation of B lymphocytes. Understanding the autoimmune diseases, and then exploring its pathogenesis, research and development drugs or vaccines provides a new theoretical basis.

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