"Longevity medicine" is amazing for humans for the first time? it's not true!

"Longevity medicine" is amazing for humans for the first time? it's not true!

January 16, 2019 Source: Science and Technology Daily Author: Zhang Jia Xing

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A few days ago, some media published "a major breakthrough! "The longevity medicine" is the first time that the world has been used on humans. The effect is amazing. From the title, humans seem to have finally found the "longevity medicine."

Is this really the case?

The paper is not published in The Lancet, but in its sub-publication.

The first paragraph of the article emphasizes: Recently, "Lancet" first published the use of anti-aging drug Senolytics in the treatment of 14 elderly patients with mild to moderate idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

In fact, the paper was published in the book "E-Biomedicine" in the "Lancet" rather than the main issue of The Lancet. The impact factor of Lancet magazine in 2017 was 53.254, while the impact factor of the journal E Biomedical was 6.183 in the same year.

“The Lancet is a magazine and a magazine. The Lancet is its main issue and there are many sub-publications.” A researcher said that there are high-ranking journals and low-scoring journals in the journal. Although the journals are not all “water”, the quality of the papers published on them will not be directly related to the main journal.

In other words, the “longevity medicine” of “major breakthrough” did not appear in the authoritative journal “Lancet”. Although the screenshot of the public article indicates that the paper was published in EBioMedicine, the information received by the Chinese people is Chinese, bolded "Lancet."

High-quality journals are very rigorous in reviewing papers, and in order to confirm a conclusion, the possibility must be excluded from multiple perspectives. Some pharmaceutical executives have said that they prefer the papers in high-level journals during the conversion. “Although not only factor theory, but it is certain that papers published in high-level journals have withstood the test of strict and critical experts.” .

“Significantly improved pace” is “amazing effect”?

What is the so-called amazing effect in the text?

The report mentioned in the article is a paper entitled "Senolytics for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: the results of the first human open-label test." The reporter reviewed the original text, and the results of the survey were partially recorded as follows.

Fourteen patients with pulmonary fibrosis were enrolled and 13 had a planned clinical evaluation. A serious adverse event was reported, with non-serious side effects including mild and moderate respiratory symptoms, skin irritation, gastrointestinal discomfort, etc., and were more common.

After 3 weeks of treatment, the patient's 6-minute walking distance, the pace of walking 4 meters, and the time when the sitting position was changed to stand were significantly improved. There were no significant changes in lung function, clinical chemistry, weakness index, health status, and the like. The effect of dasatinib in combination with quercetin on circulating senescence-associated secretory phenotype factors is uncertain, but functional changes are associated with changes in matrix remodeling proteins, microRNAs, and proinflammatory cytokines associated with the senescence-associated secretory phenotype. Correlation.

According to the results, there are side effects, and only the walking distance, speed, and sitting speed are significantly improved.

Is pace improvement an amazing longevity effect? "Pace speed is a simple method, but basically it can be distinguished by older people." Professor Wang Xiaoning, director of the Institute of Geriatrics of the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army, said that instead of anti-aging, it is better to delay and improve the debilitation of old age. Rejuvenation is the goal that everyone pursues, including multiple organ functions, muscles, hair, skin, and sexual function.

Several other scholars surveyed said that the questions are more sensitive and inconvenient to comment. There are more media hype on aging topics and less scientific interpretation.

Put an end to the title party and avoid the vain "drilling"

"Younger, it is still difficult to have evaluation indicators." Wang Xiaoning said that the current clinical confirmation of anti-aging drugs is metformin, the end point is life extension. Various anti-aging clinical, including light fasting, etc., the goal is to promote health or improve debilitation.

"Mitochondria may become one of the indicators of younger cells." Professor Yang Maojun of the College of Life Sciences at Tsinghua University said that young cell mitochondria are linear, and the mitochondria of the cells to be dead are granular.

"Improving indicators such as mitochondria and intestinal microbes is a direction that suggests the effect of rejuvenation." Wang Xiaoning agreed and is paying attention.

However, aging or not is the overall state of an organism's function and requires a large experimental scale. "New technologies such as stem cells, immunotherapy, artificial organs, and exoskeleton systems will further improve human quality of life and prolong life." Wang Xiaoning said that the current methods can control chronic diseases, improve debilitation, and improve the quality of life.

Wang Xiaoning said that for anti-aging to have a precise definition, to be indexed, the title party should be eliminated, and the hypothetical health care medicine should be avoided. Advances in science and technology have made the scientific basis and tools of anti-aging rapid accumulation. Human beings have been on the road of anti-aging, but publicity cannot be illusory. The reason for the current chaos in the health care products market is that the expression of product efficacy is extremely exaggerated.


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