Amazing new treatment for Alzheimer's disease! Improves cognitive ability in mice

Amazing new treatment for Alzheimer's disease! Improves cognitive ability in mice

March 15, 2019 Source: Academic Jingwei

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Alzheimer's disease is the most prevalent neurodegenerative disease in the world. Its pathological features are the accumulation of beta amyloid and tau, and patients show a decline in cognitive ability. Although this disease has a major impact on humans, the journey of new drug research and development is very difficult. According to statistics, between 1998 and 2017, 146 attempts to develop new drugs for Alzheimer's disease failed. In the past 20 years, only 4 drugs have been successfully controlled, and the ratio of success to failure is 1:37!
With painstaking thoughts, scientists began to reflect on whether there is a bias in our understanding of Alzheimer's disease. For example, a recent popular opinion is that the deposition of amyloid beta is not a "cause" but a "fruit." It is more like the traces left by the brain's immune system against infection. Coincidentally, many studies have linked viral infections, bacterial infections, and Alzheimer's disease, trying to solve this ill problem from a new perspective.
Today, a paper published in the top academic journal Cell is a sigh of how big a scientist's brain can be: the team of Professor Cai Lihui from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) found that we are expected to use light of a specific frequency. Sound to treat Alzheimer's disease! In mouse experiments, the researchers not only reduced the pathological features of the disease, but also improved the cognitive ability of the mice.

â–² Professor Cai Lihui, the author of this study (Source: Professor Cai Lihui's laboratory website)

This is not the way scientists think about it. In fact, Professor Cai Lihui's team has worked hard for many years in the field of Alzheimer's disease. In December 2016, her team published a research paper in Nature, which found that 40 times (40 Hz) of light per second can stimulate brain gamma brain waves and reduce beta amyloid in mouse brain. protein.
Although the results of this study are interesting, the practical value is very limited. This is because in the mouse brain, only the "visual center" of amyloid beta is reduced, and the visual center is not a key area for the progression of Alzheimer's disease. If there is any way to influence the hippocampus that controls memory, the potential for conversion to human therapy will be greater.

This is the breakthrough brought by Professor Cai Lihui's team this time. The researchers found that a 40 Hz sound can also stimulate gamma brain waves in the brain. But unlike light, these sounds not only affect the "auditory center," but also the key CA1 sites in the hippocampus, as well as the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). These results suggest that "sound therapy" may improve neurological activity in the hippocampus.
This idea was validated in the next mouse experiment. In a 6-month-old mouse model of Alzheimer's disease, the researchers evaluated the effects of "sound therapy." The experiment found that after 7 days of treatment, the mice in the "40 Hz" group improved their object recognition ability and spatial recognition ability, reflecting their enhanced cognitive ability. In contrast, mice that did not receive sound stimulation or were stimulated by random frequency sounds had no change in cognitive ability.

â–²In the case of constant exercise ability, after 40 Hz sound "treatment", the cognitive ability of mice increased (blue) (Source: "Cell")

Behind the improvement in cognitive ability, the mouse's brain has also changed. The researchers found that this "sound therapy" can reduce beta amyloid in the auditory center and hippocampus in a mouse model. At the same time, the number of microglia that exercise phagocytosis in the brain has increased, and the diameter of blood vessels in the brain has also increased. These findings suggest that it is possible for the brain to clear beta amyloid by these mechanisms.
Interestingly, when the 40 Hz sound is used in conjunction with light, it seems to have a better effect in stimulating microglia response and scavenging beta amyloid. "Microglia are stacked around beta amyloid," said Professor Cai Lihui.

â–² Under the dual action of sound and light (left), the amyloid beta protein in the mouse brain was significantly reduced compared to the control group (right) (Source: Gabrielle T. Drummond)

The researchers are frank and they don't know why the 40 Hz sound stimulus has such a wide impact. “Why does this particular stimulus affect all aspects?” Professor Cai Lihui added: “This is an unresolved issue.”
The researchers also pointed out that the results observed in this study were based on genetically edited mouse models. Whether these results can be reproduced in the human body still requires more research to confirm. If it is proven to be safe and effective, it will undoubtedly change the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. We look forward to seeing this day soon!

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