With the help of RNA, the successful transfer of memory between sea rabbits helps develop new therapies for restoring human memory.
May 16, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily
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Sea rabbits, also known as sea otters, are a type of snail. Central nervous system of Aplysia has about 20,000 neurons, although not far yuan compared with 100 billion nerve humans, but its cellular processes and molecular run very similar to human neurons, it is considered the study of the human brain and memory Excellent model.
In this study, the researchers enhanced their defensive contractions by a slight electric shock to the sea rabbit, a contractile response that protects themselves from potential damage. After being subjected to an electric shock "training", the sea rabbit will contract for a long time when it is touched for a duration of up to 50 seconds, while the normal sea rabbit's contraction response lasts only one second.
Subsequently, the researchers extracted RNA from the nervous system of the "trained" sea rabbits and normal sea rabbits, respectively, and injected them into the sea rabbits that had not received any electric shock. They found that sea rabbits injected with "trained" sea rabbit RNA showed a defensive contraction response of up to 40 seconds when touched, while those that injected unshocked sea rabbit RNA did not. . This suggests that the "study" sea rabbit's shock memory was transferred to the new receptor by RNA injection.
The researchers noted that their study has important value to the development of new therapies to restore human memory. Senior author of the study, professor of neurobiology at the University of California, Los Angeles David Grand Postman said that in the near future, scientists may be able to ameliorate the effects of Alzheimer's disease or post-traumatic stress disorder using the RNA, Restore the memory of these patients to sleep. (Reporter Liu Haiying)
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