May, Management of Citrus Saplings

After May, the temperature rose rapidly and the rainfall was high. Citrus also ushered in a crucial period from falling fruit to stable fruit. The suitable climate conditions make it easy for a lot of summer shoots to be drawn. The solid saplings of this month should seize the opportunity to attack the shoots and shoots and expand the canopy; on the fruit-bearing trees, the key is to handle the opposition between the shoots and reduce the fruit drop.

Keeping fruits steady

The vast majority of citrus this month has entered the second physiological fruit drop period, because the fruit drop continues longer, so the fruit preservation operation is not careless.

Regarding those who have not yet done so, they should pick a good climate and seize the spray to protect fruit medicine: Gibberellin + sea elf bio-stimulant foliar + phosphorus and potassium source library.

With regard to the severe physiology of the second physiological fruit drop, such as sugar orange, it is necessary to make a ring cut in order to reach the purpose of controlling the fruit.

Generally speaking, circumcision is most suitable when the spring shoot turns green, but the tree with more fruit bearing can be carried out after fruit splitting, and the next time it is circumcised, the next time it is stabilized, the fertilizer will be sourced from phosphorus and potassium sources. High-potassium-based fertilizers mainly promote fruit enlargement, and they are sprouted along the summer shoots.

Pay attention to try to avoid the fertilizer before the ring cut wound healing, then the root absorption capacity is relatively weak, and easy to form rot.

Manage summer shoots

In the case of hanging fruit trees, many shoots of summer shoots are bound to consume a lot of nutrients, and the nutrient competition between shoots is intense, causing a lot of fruit drop. Therefore, controlling summer shoots is an important handling task for this month.

The common methods for controlling summer shoots include tree control (using fertilizer control, tip control, and fruit control), manual control, and drug control (control tips, pressure tips). Here are a few points to highlight. .

1 The purpose of the control tip is to alleviate the opposition between the tip fruits, not to see the summer tip. Even if it is about hanging fruit trees, the summer shoots have certain positive meanings. For example, for trees with large fruiting weight, some amount of summer shoots can wash away some fruit, reduce the amount of fruit shrubs, and add leaf-fruit ratios, which will help raise trees. . In addition, with regard to the type of top fruit, such as Maogugan and Walnut, it is appropriate to leave some summer shoots to temporarily shade part of the sunlight during the high temperature period in order to reduce the occurrence of sunburn fruit.

2 control tip is a comprehensive approach. Although the control points are often divided into several types of methods, they are mostly used in practical operations. Such as a reasonable previous fertilizer, can reduce the emergence of summer shoots, and later cooperate with artificial wipe tip, etc., in order to reach the outstanding role of control tip.

3 Reasonable use of control tips. For example, do not erase all the artifacts, leave the weakest one, and avoid increasing the summer shoots. The first batch of summer shoots can be preserved, and the weak trees with many fruits are not too strong. Suitable for. In addition, after drug control, especially killing, it is advocated that trials should be conducted in a small range to avoid unnecessary losses.

Sapling Management

The summer shoots grow vigorously, and the branches are long and thick and robust. As for saplings, promoting summer shoots is the key to young trees cultivating outstanding tree shapes and constituting an exuberant tree canopy.

Attacking fertilizer: 10 to 15 days before tipping, applying a balanced or high-nitrogen water-soluble fertilizer (or compound fertilizer) + sea elves biological stimulant root-spray type 300 times liquid to improve the tree nutrient water products. Strong roots, promoting the summer shoots regular initiation.

Consistently tipping: Although the summer shoots are growing prosperously and vigorously, the drawing is not very regular. In general, the top buds were brushed 1 or 2 times to remove the apical dominance, so that the lower buds were first extracted and the sprouts were regular. This can unanimously promote new shoots, facilitate the prevention and control of pests and diseases, and can quickly constitute a Fengdeng tree canopy.

Strong shooter fertilizer: shoot 1 to 2 shots of fertilizer after being turned on. The method of applying fertilizer is to open the ditch and apply phosphorus and potassium source or high-potassium water-soluble fertilizer or compound fertilizer + sea elves biological stimulant. The summer shoots are old, and the fight for another draw is conducive to a strong canopy.

Cultivate the tree: Short cuts of long summer shoots should be taken. Remove unfallen young fruit in time to collect nutrient supply and pull shoots; pay attention to transforming or cutting off long shoots; take larger positions in space; cut and cut short to promote shoots; shoot buds should be observed after budding; Each branch can be left with 2 to 3 branches. Large space can be reserved to 4~5. For a tree that is too compact, it is necessary to combine the shaping of the branches to open the tree and cultivate trees that are conducive to fruiting. Type structure.

In addition to the above, the diseases and insect pests on the citrus will begin at high incidence during the beginning of this month. The diseases mainly include anthrax, canker and brown spot. The insect pests mainly include leaf miners, scale insects, wood lice, rust mites, and hornbills. For example, we must pay attention to strengthening prevention and control. Let's not overlook the blind corners of the tree trays.

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