High-yielding Cultivation Techniques of Welsh Onion Produced in Japan

The Japanese green onions exported to Japan are of good quality, high yield, and strong adaptability. In combination with winter-warm greenhouses, arch shelters, and other protection facilities, the annual cultivation anniversary can be supplied. The key cultivation techniques are described as follows: 1. Selection of improved varieties and cultivation of strong seedlings 1. Selection of fine onion varieties The strict requirements of varieties are strict. The general standard is plant integrity, compactness, no pests, leaf hypertrophy, dark green leaves, wax The powder layer is thick, and the length ratio of the finished leaf body to the pseudo stem is approximately (1.2-1.5):1. The pseudo-stem is 40 cm in length and about 2 cm in diameter. It is white and dense. In practice, holding the onion pseudo stem base can keep the plant upright for more than 5 s. The pseudo stem is not bent or broken. Commonly used species include: Yuan Zang, Ji Zang, Bai Shu, Xiao Chun, Jiu Tu Tai etc. (The above varieties of the onion varieties are imported from Japan.) 2. Soil preparation Weeping onion seeds imported from Japan are expensive and should be planted and transplanted. Seedbed should be selected sandy loose fertile, flat terrain, convenient drainage and irrigation of sandy loam soil. 5-7 days before sowing for soil preparation. Planting 667m2 Welsh onion requires an 80m2 seedbed area. Each application of high-temperature fermented straw compost 100kg or fully decomposed farmyard fertilizer 300 ~ 400kg, superphosphate 3kg, shallow cultivating rake for flat hoe, gently step on the foot in order, so that the buckwheat noodles outside the solid loose, smooth, prevent Local water accumulation. 3. Soaking seeds use the new species of the year, each planting 667m2 Welsh onion species 75g. Seed soaking before sowing, method one: soaking 30% with 300 % solution of 300 times formaldehyde, rinsing with clean water after immersion, can prevent purple spot; Method 2: Soaking with 0.2% potassium permanganate solution for 25 minutes, then rinse with clean water , To kill the pathogenic bacteria on the surface of the seeds; Method 3: Use 25 times warm water of 3 times the amount of seed to iron seeds for 25 minutes, stirring continuously. Seeds soaked can be seeded 1 to 2 days in advance. 4. Sowing and sowing seedlings are mostly used for sowing seedlings. Before sowing, footbath water is poured into the seedlings. After the water is fully infiltrated, seeds are finely mixed with dry soil or fine sand. The thickness of the cover soil is 1cm, and then the mulching film or arch shed is used to warm the soil and keep the soil. Adequate moisture, no topsoil, neat and emerged. The use of herbicides is strictly forbidden during the green onion nursery. Special attention should be paid to nursery seedlings in the protected areas, otherwise it is easy to fail and cause losses. After emergence of scallions, remove the mulch in time to prevent roasted seedlings. When the seedlings have 2 to 3 leaves, combined with water, topdressing 1 ~ 2kg urea; not seedlings. When the seedlings grow to 40cm and there are 6 to 7 leaves, watering should be stopped, and the seedlings should be properly prepared to prepare for planting. II. Arrangements are reasonable. The annual cultivation and export of shallots requires an annual balanced supply. Cultivation by open field alone cannot meet the requirements of export. Production must be combined with facilities for protection, and annual cultivation and annual supply must be met to meet market demand. Normal winter and spring in winter with winter greenhouse cultivation, seedling age of 50 to 60 days, planted in the arch shed, August harvest; or end of March, early April small arch shed nursery, seedling age 60 to 70 days, after wheat harvest colonization in Open field, October harvest; can also be exposed seedlings in late September, naturally overwintering, planted in the open field in June the following year, 9 to 10 months of harvest; but also 9 to 10 months small arch shed nursery, seedling age 50 to 60 days, planted in the winter Warm greenhouses are harvested from March to April of the following year. 3. Fertilization for soil preparation and wide-range planting After the harvest of the current crop, the field is cleared timely and 2,000m of high-temperature fermentation compost or 5000kg of high quality manure is applied in 667m2, 50kg of superphosphate, 50kg of potassium sulfate compound fertilizer, and 2kg of borax. The scallions exported to Japan are required to be light and slender, and the wide-line dense planting method should be adopted in production. The open space cultivation is conducted at a spacing of 1m. Protected cultivation is conducted with a row spacing of 90cm to open deep trenches, a furrow depth of 15 to 20cm, and a north-south direction. Before planting, the sick and weak seedlings, the deformed seedlings, and the miscellaneous strains were first removed and divided into large, medium, and small grades according to the size of the seedlings and planted separately. Use thiophanate-methyl WP 600 times to root the roots when planting. When inserting green onions should be vertical, can not be bent. In order to facilitate ventilation, light transmission, and earth-cultivation, it is necessary to maintain the 45-degree angle between the section and the row direction of the onion seedlings. Plant spacing 2.5 to 3cm, 667m2 planting 2.2 to 25,000 plants. Fourth, scientific management, to ensure production 1. Watering scallion planting seedlings usually do not water, so that the root rapidly updated, plant turn green. 1 Onion white growth early, plant growth is slow, the water requirement is not high, should be less watering, and watering in the morning and evening, avoiding noon so as not to suddenly reduce the temperature, affecting root growth, then watering 2 to 3 times. 2 long onion Baiwang, plant growth at this time, an average of 7 to 8 days to grow a new leaf, the higher the leaf sequence, the longer the leaf length, the longer the leaf life. At this moment, the onion leaves grow rapidly and lightly, and the amount of water required is large. It should be combined with top-dressing and earth-cultivation, pouring water every 4 to 5 days. The height difference between the heart and the tallest leaves is used to judge whether there is water shortage in the onion. Generally, the water difference is about 15cm. If it exceeds 20cm, it indicates that the water is lacking, the growth rate of the heart leaf is slow, and the water should be timely watered. 3 During the full-expansion period, the plants grow slowly. At this moment, the nutrient returns from the leaves to light blue, and the water requirement is reduced. However, it is still necessary to maintain a relatively large soil moisture to ensure light blue grouting, leaf hypertrophy, full of glue, light blue and tender. Water 2 times at this time. Stop watering 7 to 10 days before harvesting. 2. Fertilizer exports onions like nitrogen and potassium fertilizers. According to the analysis, every 1000kg shallot product needs to absorb 3kg of nitrogen, 0.55kg of phosphorus, and 3.33kg of potassium from the soil. Timely top-dressing is an important measure to meet the growth and development of Chinese green onion and obtain high yield and high quality. 1 In the beginning of onion-white growth, nitrogen fertilizer is the main application, and 667m2 applies urea 20kg or ammonium sulfate 25kg. Avoid application of ammonium bicarbonate, otherwise light blue and white, can not be exported. 2 long onion Baiwang, NPK combined use, combined with soil, topdressing 50kg ternary compound fertilizer or 80kg enzyme fertilizer per 667m2 3 times, can also use 0.5% borax solution foliar spray, 667m2 with liquid volume 50L, 10 About 1 day, continuous use of 2 or 3 times, can ensure that the onion plants are robust, and the yield rate is increased by about 10%. 3. Earth soil can soften the light blue, improve the quality, but can not make lighter and longer. Earthing should be appropriate, generally after the topdressing watering, should grasp the principle of loose before the tight, the early growth of soil can not be too tight, otherwise it is easy to appear light blue base is too thin, the upper part of the phenomenon of thickening, affect the quality. Soil should be applied when the soil moisture is suitable. It should not be used for over-drying or over-wetting. It should be carried out in the afternoon. At this time, the soil will not damage the plant. Usually 4 to 6 times of earth, the first two successive filling ridge ditch, after the earth should be properly compacted. Each time the soil is about 3 to 5 cm thick, the soil will be cultured to the boundary between the leaf sheath and the leaf body. Do not bury the leaf body so as not to cause the leaves to rot and contaminate the light blue. When cultivating soil, do not take more than 1/3 of the row spacing to avoid injuring the root; spray pesticides and prevent disease in time. V. Prevention of pests and diseases to ensure that exports of Japanese scallions exported to Japan have strong disease resistance and fewer diseases. However, due to the high export standards, some businesses have requirements for pesticide residues, and production should pay attention to prevention. After the discovery of pests and diseases, biopesticides or natural plant-derived fungicides with less effective and less toxic residues were used, and less chemical pesticides were used. Onion common diseases are purple spot, downy mildew, white tip disease (white blight), susceptible to gray mold in the protected area. Prevention of purple spot, commonly used 75% chlorothalonil WP 500 to 600 times, or 64% WP 500 times, or 50% skeleton WP 1500 times, or 50% acetaminophen Wettable powder 1000 times. For the prevention of downy mildew, commonly used 50% methicone wettable powder 800 times, or 72.2% Precloxone 800 times. For the prevention of white tips, 77% can be used to kill WP 500 times, 72% WP WP 800 times, or 30% LDPA 500 times. Control of gray mold, available 50% fast Skeleton 2000 times, due to gray mold susceptible to drug resistance, should minimize the dosage and frequency of application, must be medication, pay attention to rotation, alternating or mixed medication, production, Usually with 50% acetaminophen 2000 times solution plus 1000 times Ling 1000 times or 65% thiobacillus 1000 times, the effect is good. Common pests include thrips, onion flies and Spodoptera larvae. Commonly used pesticides: 50% phoxim 1000 times, 2.5% Kung Fu EC 4000 times. In recent years, the United States "Green Wave" natural plant insecticide 800 to 1000 times liquid, the above-mentioned pest control, in particular against insect pests, and no pesticide residues, in full compliance with export standards. 6. timely harvest, timely storage and processing processing scallion harvesting, the shovel can be used on the side of the onion ridge hollowed, exposed light blue, gently pull up by hand to avoid damage to pseudo-stem, pull off the stem disk or root. After harvesting, the soil should be shaken and graded according to the acquisition criteria, and retain the middle 4 to 5 intact leaves. Each bundle of about 20kg is wrapped in a plastic woven bag and the whole plant is wrapped with a rope. The rope is divided into 3 solids and can not be tightly clamped to prevent flattening onion leaves. When transporting, bundles of wrapped green onions are vertically discharged in the compartment, which can be discharged in layers and cannot be laid flat and stacked. Shipped to the processing plant immediately after processing. Cut off the root hairs first with a knife and keep some root plates. Use a high-pressure peeling gun to peel the skin from the onion stalls and retain the three leaves. Wipe the soil of the light blue with clean gauze. Finished product standards: light blue diameter 1.8 ~ 2.5cm, length 35 ~ 45cm, leaf length 15 ~ 25cm. Follow the standard on the cutting board and cut the long leaves according to the specifications. Bundle with materials that comply with international health standards, typically 1 bundle for every 330g and 1 bundle for every 15 bundles. The scallion was completely precooled and the temperature was set to 5°C. When the container was shipped, the temperature was set to 1 to 3°C. Chinese Agricultural Editor

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