How to drink water in winter

First, the number of drinking cows should be based on the number of feeding. Drink 2 times a day to drink 3 times. Two times sooner or later, after drinking concentrate and succulent feed, drinking water, and drinking at midday before feeding in the afternoon. Drink warm water in winter, and the water temperature should be 8 degrees Celsius. Second, pigs drinking water in winter temperature at 5 degrees Celsius will help to increase security. The ratio of feed and water should be 1:3. If you have a dilute diet, you can drink water. Pigs feed dry food after drinking. Third, grazing livestock due to large winter wind, cold grass and dry days, should increase the number of drinking water. It's best to drink clean well water and drink it now. It is forbidden to drink ice water and arsenic snow, otherwise it is not only unfavorable for animal husbandry, but also causes abortion of pregnant animals. Fourth, after the draught animals have to rest for some time to feed some hay, and then drink water after the sweat. Otherwise it will cause drowning and cold pain. Fifth, the poultry drinking water should be dry after feeding ingredients, in the home or cage of drinking water equipment, put a clean well water, so that the birds can drink enough to drink enough. China Agricultural Network Editor

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