How to prevent pear ringworm

Pear ring disease occurs in all pear producing areas. In recent years, the disease has obviously increased. The disease mainly damages branches and fruits. 1. Branches infected with the disease, with lenticules as the center, produce small spots with brown bulges, and the bulge appears as a tumor. Afterwards, it gradually sinks into a hollow circle. There is a crack at the junction between the diseased department and the health department, which gradually curls up and expands year after year to form an irregular rim pattern. If the lesions on the branches are dense, the surface of the bark is very rough, so it is called rough skin disease. 2. Infestation of fruit was more common in near-mature and storage stages. Water-stained light brown to reddish-brown round necrotic spots centered on the lenticels. The concentric ring scallops quickly spread around and the lesions were soft and rot. Do not sag, the last rotten fruit shrinks into a stiff fruit, the surface dense black small particles. Pyracochorhis sclerotiorum is mainly composed of mycelia, conidiospores and ascaria shells in branches and branches, and the mycelia in the diseased tissues continue to expand when they germinate in the following spring. Spores are produced on diseased tissues from April to June of the following year and are transmitted to other sites by rain splashes, causing initial infestation. Generally up to the first five months of June. The germs can be infested with young fruit after about 10 days from flowering. Once there is a rainfall, there is an infection that can continue until harvesting. Infected young fruit does not develop immediately, and it only spreads and expands when the fruit's viability in the near mature period or storage period declines. There are significant differences in disease resistance among varieties. Fruit ringworm disease has a close relationship with the rainfall in the early growth period, the number of times, rainfall, and so on. Control methods: (1) Botrytis sinensis is a kind of weak parasite, and its degree of disease is obviously light under the condition of vigorous tree life. After the pear tree enters the result period, the tree potential is often reduced. Therefore, after the end of the results period, it is necessary to pay attention to the enhancement of fertilizer and water management, increase organic fertilizers, and appropriate amount of fruit, so as to promote robust tree growth and increase disease resistance. 2 to clear the source of disease combined with the winter garden, scrape off the branches of the old skin, cut off the dead branches, concentrated burned. Before the germination, the discolored tissue with ring spots on the stems was completely scraped and then sprayed or smeared with an eradicating agent carbendazim (ie, 5 parts of 50% carbendazim WP and 3 parts of soybean oil). In addition to scraping the lesions, the diseased branches, leaves, and fruits of the orchard were cleaned and the dead and dead branches of the trees were cut and burned. 3 Cultivate disease-free strong seedlings Before constructing a new orchard, the nursery should conduct strict inspections and remove diseased seedlings. 4 Spraying period of growth protection The spraying time of fruits is started about 15 days after flowering, and it is until the fruit enlargement period. Spraying should be based on the illness of the year, the length of the residual period of the drug, and the rainfall. Early spraying protection is the most important. The general year can be sprayed 4 to 5 times, once every 15 days, if the early drought and no rain, the first time the drug can be sprayed late, once every rainfall, that is, 1 infestation. Therefore, protection before rain and sterilization after spraying are critical. After flowering, it takes 15 days before bagging, and even sprays 600 times as much as two times, and timely bagging is an effective measure to prevent pear ringworm disease. 5 Fruit bagging After fruit thinning, spraying Fuxing Milk Emulsion 10000 times, and then fruit bagging can effectively prevent the incidence of fruit.

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