Red noble grape cultivation management technology

1 Variety characteristics Ears are long conical, average ear weight 1500g, up to 3000g. Fruit round or ovoid; thick red or purple, weight 22g, diameter of 3cm or more. The fruit is hard and brittle and flexible, and can be cut into thin slices. Sweet and juicy, soluble solids 18% -20%. The brush is thick and long, it is solid, it does not shatter, and it is extremely resistant to storage and transportation. Can be placed at room temperature for 4-7 months. Strong tree vigor, easy to high yield, generally 667 square meters of production in 3500kg, up to 5500kg. Strong disease resistance, easy to color, no cracking. It sprouts in early May and matures fully in mid-October. Is a late-maturing variety. 2 Cultivation and management techniques 2.1 The garden was built in the soil depth of 0.6-lm, sandy loam, ph value of 7.1, irrigation and drainage on a good slope, using row spacing lml.8m cultivation. Planting leaves 2-3 shoots per plant for the current year, picking up at lm, and selecting 5 leaves for each plant in the second year, yielding more than 1000 kg; leaving 5-7 sticks per plant in the 3rd year, yields About 2000kg; 2.2 Fertilizer and water management Each year, 667 square meters of fruit after harvest are treated with high-quality manure 5000kg plus 200kg compound fertilizer. The topdressing is performed 3 times in the whole year. After August, the spraying of 0.3%-0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution is added every 10 to 15 days to promote the ripening of berries and shoot buds. 2.3 Prevention of Pests and Diseases Before spraying, the red nobles sprayed 5 Baume degrees of lime sulfur, sprayed 1:0.4:240 times Bordeaux mixture before flowering, and sprayed 78% Keboga 30% Peach Xiaoling 1200 times after flowering. From the young fruit period to the mature period, the medicine is usually sprayed for 7, 10 days. The Bordeaux mixture is used alternately with the bactericide. 2.4 Control of production After the high yield period should be controlled at about 2500kg. (each inflorescence is left with 1 inflorescence), fruit thinning is performed 1 times after fruiting, and the number of fruit per ear is controlled within 50-70 grains. 2.5 Bagging Management Paper bags are special white transparent bags. Bagging time is June 15th and 18th. When bagging, it must be carried out after fruit peeling and spraying fungicide; the time for bag removal is before October 1-5.

Single Greenhouse

The bearing structure, fixed film systems and installation of this greenhouse is relatively simple. And due to it, raw material and manufacturing costs are affordable. Except the high strength woven film is higher, other kinds of antidrop film are economical. In general, the comprehensive cost of film greenhouse is lower 30% ~ 50% than the same size and specifications of the other types of greenhouse.

Single Span Greenhouse,Greenhouse Film,Tunnel Greenhouse,Plastic Film Greenhouse