How to control gloxinia cinerea

Gloxinia alias snow falling mud belongs to the perennial bulb flower of Gesneriaceae. The leaves are thick and green, and the bells are beautiful. They are blue, white, purple, red, and velvety. Its main features are long flowering period, large and bright flowers, elegant and luxurious. From early spring to late autumn, it is always flowering, and it is a highly ornamental potted ornamental flower. Botrytis cinerea is the main disease of gloxinia, and leaves, petioles and petals can be damaged. When the petal was damaged, it became water-stained. At first, it was 1-2 mm in diameter and gradually enlarged and finally rotted. On the pedicels, brownish soft rot appears, brown lesions often appear from the edges, and the surface has ridges and folds, which can be expanded to the whole leaf. A layer of gray mold grows when wet, and turns yellow afterwards. In severe cases, whole leaves, whole flowers, and pruning become dead. In addition to harming the gloxinia, the disease also harms the rose, cyclamen, camellia, and other potted plants and flowers. The pathogen is a fungus of the genus Botrytis, with conidiophores erect, separated, apically branched, and terminally swollen. The conidia are polysperous and are grape-like and harder. The pathogenicity rule is that the bacterium sclerotia is overwintering in the soil with the residual strains, and the greenhouse is poorly ventilated. When the humidity is too high, the disease is heavy, and the virus is easily placed and damaged. Excessive nitrogenous fertilizers are more severe when the tissue becomes soft. Control methods: 1 Potted soil cultivation after disinfection with disease-free new soil or soil. Avoid dense planting and enhance ventilation and light transmission. The greenhouse should be properly warmed in the winter, to avoid excessive humidity. 2 In the initial stage, watering should be controlled to avoid excessive humidity in the shed. 3 timely removal of diseased leaves, old leaves and diseased flowers, and centralized destruction to reduce the source of the disease. 4 During the onset period, 80% of dexamethasone 500 times, or 1% Bordeaux, 75% chlorothalonil 500 times, were sprayed once every 10 days, and sprayed 2-3 times continuously.

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