Classification perennial herb
Plant height is about 20-40 cm
Seed germination 7-12 days
Flowering summer
Several colors
Use part leaves,
Characteristics: Perennial herb, plant clusters, elliptic leaves, several kinds of colors, strong vitality and fertility.
Cultivation: Adequate sunshine and ventilation, hi fertile dry and well-drained soil, sunshine, adequate environment, like cold, moderate pruning can promote multiple lateral buds, so that plants grow more lush.
Uses: Oregano is rich in active substances. Each 1 mg leaf contains 187.8 micrograms of anti-aging superoxide dismutase, which is 42 times higher than that of apple. It is the highest in fruits and vegetables. It also contains high levels of aromatic volatile oils, bittersin, and tannins, as well as certain substances that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and expectorant and digestive properties. In the field of medicine, vegetable and vegetable, industrial extracts, it has played an outstanding role.
Pork is a very common meat in life, especially in China. Pork consumption is much higher than other meats and is the main source of meat. Pork tastes and tastes very good, it doesn't get tired when you eat it regularly, and it has a variety of practices. It can be delicious with a variety of ingredients.
Although the pork chop is made of pork, it has no fatty feeling at all, and it is particularly chewy. It is processed through many processes, not to fry or cook pork. The pork that is made out has a lot less oil, and the feeling of eating meat is particularly cool. The authentic pork chop uses the pig's hind leg meat. This part of the meat is mainly lean meat, and the fat is rare. It is more suitable for pork. breast
Pork Snacks,Sausage Snacks,Barbecue Snacks,Preserved Pork Snacks
Hangzhou Aiyomi food co.,LTD ,