First, timely frozen water in the soil before freezing, pouring frozen water, filling enough to fill. This will not only help the soil insulation, but also maintain the soil moisture, to meet the water consumption during the fruiting winter.
Second, seedlings painted white take 5 kg of lime, 0.5 kg of salt, respectively, opened with water, mixed with 0.5 kg of vegetable oil and 0.5 kg of lime sulfur mixture, dubbed whitening agent, before freezing, brushing or spraying in young walnut On the branches.
Third, the plastic film wrap first walnut trees properly trimmed, and then select the 0.03 mm thick plastic film, cut it into a 3 to 5 cm wide, 1 to 2 meters long band, from the tree to the base of the branches one by one dressing Plastic straps must be pressed tightly to prevent it from being blown out of action. The dressing is completed before and after the end of December, except when the membrane is inflated with flower buds.
Fourth, Vaseline plus cooked pork lard 1 Vaseline oil, cooked pork lard, put the pot heated and mix well, cool with a brush or with a glove, smear on the whole tree, especially one or two years old on the branch. It is advisable to follow the natural defoliation of fruit trees until they are frozen.
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