When vegetables are replanted with nitrogenous fertilizers, herbicides or insect pests, droughts, and insufficient sunlight to turn red, nitrate content increases. Rabbits greedily eat vegetables leaves and ingest more nitrate, stimulate the gastric mucosa, can cause gastroenteritis. After pests, tramples, frosts, stacking and transportation of vegetables, especially in a humid and hot environment, the nitrates contained therein can easily become more toxic nitrites. As long as rabbits eat 100 grams of such vegetables can cause poisoning, it should be careful to feed these leaves.
Mustard, rape, radish and other cruciferous vegetables contain mustard meal. Under the action of mustard enzyme, it can produce toxins such as nitrile, which can damage the liver and kidneys of rabbits. Therefore, cruciferous vegetables should be fed as little as possible. Feeding with vegetables damaged by aphids and cabbage caterpillars can cause conjunctivitis, stomatitis, gastroenteritis, rhinitis, vaginitis, abdominal pain, and diarrhea in rabbits.
When feeding rabbits properly with vegetables, feed should be fed with low moisture content (bran, etc.) and feed with high crude fiber content (dried leaves, etc.). The rabbits should be fresh vegetables without dew.
Wiggle wire lock is designed to be used with poly lock base cap- sold separately. Greenhouse Wiggle Wire and base care are an effective method of attaching your poly film roof and or shade cloth. The greenhouse wiggle wire lock will hold form 4 mil to 20 mil thickness of material. Use one wire to hold the roof in place and then add a second wire to hold your shade cloth. When it is time to remove the shade cloth, you will not disturb the roof plastic.
Universal Base (WIG2000)- used on the curved surface, i.e. the arch for attaching the end wall covering.
Standard Base (WIG1000) - used along the straight lengths of your greenhouse.
Greenhouse Wiggle Wire
Greenhouse Wiggle Wire,Greenhouse Steel Wire,Greenhouse Spring Wire