Mandala scientific name Datura stramonium L. An annual herb of Solanaceae. Flowers, leaves and seeds can be used as medicine. Distributed throughout the country.
Symptoms of infected plants yellowed on the side of the veins, turned brown gradually, and died from the leaf margin. The veins remained green, and the leaves gradually grew yellow and wilted from the bottom. The vascular bundles were dark brown. Some have only 1-2 branches. Severe illness cannot result.
The pathogen Verticillium albo-atrum Reinke et Berthold called Verticillium and Black-white fungi belonging to the fungus Subgeronia spp. Hyphae separated, black. Conidiophore erect, with 2-3 rounds of branching, its dark color at the base is a unique characteristic of the bacteria. On Meigan selection medium, a clear radial structure was formed from dark hyphae without forming microsclerotia. Conidia are long ovate, 3-71.5-3 (μm) in size, sometimes separated by 1. In addition to harming Mandala, it can also cause Verticillium wilt in cotton, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, and cucumbers.
Transmission routes and pathogenic conditions The mycelium is capable of surviving in the soil for long periods of time when the mycelium overwinters in the body or in the soil. When the conditions are appropriate, the invading host spreads in the vascular bundle, causing the disease. Northeastern China, Inner Mongolia, and Henan provinces occurred in July, and sometimes they suffered more.
Prevention methods (1) rotation. (2) If necessary, water 50% thiophanate-methyl or carbendazim wettable powder 600 to 700 times prior to onset.
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