1. Preliminary preparations for the office. 1 shed to prepare. The sheep house should be built in a place with high dryness and good ventilation and ventilation. The sheep house should be 20cm above the ground, designed with 1 to 2 square meters per sheep, and have a playground of 3 to 4 square meters per sheep. The feeding troughs are installed in the homes and sports grounds and can be made of cement or wood, and the length can be determined according to the number of sheep. The design of the delivery room and veterinary room should be considered when designing. 2 animal husbandry preparation. In the case of grazing as the main mode of feeding, one adult sheep is kept every 667 square meters in the plain area where vegetation is better, and one adult sheep is fed every 0.2 hectares in the Tushan area. In areas where feeding is dominant, it is necessary to carefully investigate the source of forage before the sheep farm. In order to save costs and reduce costs, adequate raw materials such as corn, bran, hay, peanut vines, sweet potatoes and corn stalks should be stocked. It is best to make silage. 3 drinking water preparation. When selecting a sheep house construction site, the water source should be taken into account. Areas without tap water should consider whether the groundwater can meet production needs and whether the water quality is clean and hygienic. 4 staff preparation. It is necessary to have a person who understands the husbandry management and veterinary techniques in order to run a sheep farm. This is a prerequisite for the healthy development of the sheep farm. In addition, the breeder must pass training or have some practical experience in sheep breeding. Do not start in a hurry if people are not neat or are not familiar with sheep-raising techniques.
2. The choice of office season. Season selection mainly considers the season requirements for building sites and introductions. The main choices for office establishments include construction and introduction. In general, the construction season must avoid the winter and rainy seasons. In addition, self-built sheep farms should consider avoiding the busy season and avoid labor conflicts. Introducing the season, it is advisable to introduce it in autumn and spring so that it can avoid hot and humid summer and winter seasons and introduce the best results. However, in the spring season, we must have enough fodder in the fall of the previous year and pay attention to epidemic prevention and control.
3. The choice of size of the flock. Just starting to raise sheep, the number of breeding should be determined according to the conditions of housing, forage, staff and other conditions. Under conditions of perfect conditions, 200 to 500 animals can be established. Most small-scale farmers build sheep farms and start with basic sheep. Not more than 50 are appropriate, preferably around 30. People are immunized and dewormed in time. The newly introduced sheep should be observed on off-site isolation for about 1 month. After the isolation period, the sheep are basically stable and their constitutions are basically restored before they can be kept on sheep farms. Prior to entering the site, the sheep should be immunized to enhance the ability of the sheep to withstand the disease, and to carry out a comprehensive deworming of the sheep. Do not buy sheep from the field or other sheep at any time during the feeding process.
4. Strengthen feeding management. The introduction of sheep due to transport, regional climate differences, changes in feeding methods, etc., there will be varying degrees of stress response, often prone to colds, pneumonia, aphthous, diarrhea, miscarriage, etc., so we must strengthen the feeding and management, ground observation, timely Perform symptomatic treatment. The breeders and management personnel are required to familiarize themselves with the characteristics of the sheep and to find and deal with the abnormal conditions such as feeding, movement status, mental status, and excretion of the sheep. In addition, we must pay attention to the cleanliness of the housing.
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